What is time base circuit in CRO?

What is time base circuit in CRO?

This circuit is also known as time base circuits or time base generators. These circuits are extremely important in most of the electronic systems. A linear time base voltage is required on the deflection plates of cathode ray oscilloscope, to sweep the electron beam, from left to right across the screen.

What is time base generator Mcq?

This set of Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Time Base”. Explanation: In a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, a generator that produces a waveform required for the movement of the visible spot horizontally is known as the time base generator.

What is sweep or time base generator?

Definition: The circuit that produces a linearly varying voltage or current with time is known as Time-Base Generator. These circuits are also known as sweep circuits. This is so because they are used to sweep the beam of electron across the screen in a horizontal direction in CRO.

What is the function of base in CRT?

To every engineer, the cathode ray tube (CRT) will be familiar enough from the oscilloscope. The evacuated glass envelope contains an electrode assembly and its terminations at its base whose purpose is to shoot a beam of electrons at the luminescent screen at the other end of the tube.

What is time base Why time base is required in CRO?

To generate a time base waveform in a CRO or a picture tube, the deflecting voltage increases linearly with time. Generally, a time base generator is used where the beam deflects over the screen linearly and returns to its starting point. This occurs during the process of Scanning.

What is difference between voltage time base and current time base generator?

A time base generator which provides the output voltage waveform varying linearly with respect to the time is basically known as voltage time base generator. A time base generator which provides the output current waveform varying linearly with respect to the time is basically known as current time base generator.

Why is Cro used?

The CRO is used to measure the voltage, current, frequency, inductance, admittance, resistance, and power factor. This device is used to monitor the signal properties as well as characteristics and also controls the analog signals.

What is Q meter Mcq?

Q Meter MCQ Question 1 Detailed Solution Q meter is an instrument that is designed to measure the value of quality factor directly and it is useful in measuring the characteristics of coils and capacitors. Thus, we can measure the value of Q directly by connecting a voltmeter across the capacitor.

What is time base operation?

Definition of time base : a part of an electronic circuit having a voltage varying accurately with time and used (as in radar) to provide range information or (as in television) to time the scanning operation.

What are the types of time base generator?


Which of the following is the function of time base knob?

The Timebase controls how the horizontal (X-axis) is read. In the following figure, a sine wave with frequency 1 Hz is displayed. In this case, the frequency is 1 Hz and its period is 1 complete cycle in 1 second (recall Hz = cycles per second).

What is main part of CRT?

The CRT consists of three main components: the electron gun, the electron beam deflector, and the screen and phosphors (Figure 1). Figure 1. A basic diagram of a CRT.


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