What does it mean when a guy says he had a great time?

What does it mean when a guy says he had a great time?

But, what he really means is “I’m having a great time with you, but are you dating other guys or is there another side to you?” It shows he’s feeling insecure on the date and trying to protect himself from feeling vulnerable or letting you know he really likes you.

What does it mean when someone says they had a nice time?

I/we had a nice time An expression typically said to an event’s host when one is leaving. Thank you! I had a nice time, Teresa. See you tomorrow.

How do you tell someone you had a great time?

(1) Send a text message that evening and say:

  1. “I had a really nice time.”
  2. “Had a great time tonight. (I) Would like to see you again.”
  3. “It was really nice meeting you, let’s hit up (go to) the MOMA.”
  4. “Thanks so much for a great time.”
  5. “I enjoyed meeting you.”

What do you say after an amazing date?

Examples of what to text after a first date:

  • “Thanks for a really great time. I had fun tonight.”
  • “I had a really nice time with you last night. We should do it again sometime.”
  • “Had fun tonight! Will you text me when you get home so I know you made it safely?”
  • “Last night was super fun. [Inside joke from the date>.”

How do you tell a girl you had a good time on a date?

Keep it short, simple, and polite. Try saying: I had a nice time with you tonight, but I just didn’t feel a romantic connection. I wish you the best and if we ever run into each other again, I hope we can be friends. Chances are, she feels the same way and will be relieved that you said something.

Should you tell a guy you had fun?

But still, if you had a great first date and want them to know, it’s never a bad idea to keep it simple. Just text them and tell them you had fun. Most people will appreciate the fact that you aren’t trying to play games, or keep it cool. Just be yourself, really — and you can’t go wrong.

How do I tell my boyfriend I had a good time?

“I Had a Great Time” and 5 Other Messages You Should Send Your Guy

  1. “Have a great day!” Don’t belittle the power of well-wishes.
  2. “This made me smile and think of you.” Did you stumble upon something nice that made you think about your man?
  3. “I had a great time.”
  4. “I’m sorry.”
  5. “I love you.”
  6. “Thank you.”

How do you tell a girl you had a nice time?

Say something like, “I had a wonderful time tonight” or “I felt we had a really good connection.” Showing that you are interested makes you more attractive to a potential partner, notes psychology professor Paul Eastwick, as cited in the “Men’s Health” article “Make a First Impression That Leaves Her Wanting More.” She …

How do you make a guy interesting over text?

Guy Texting Advice: 9 Ways To Keep Him Engaged In Conversation

  1. Be Upbeat.
  2. Talk About Common Interests.
  3. Ask Fun Questions.
  4. Make Him Feel Special.
  5. Give Him Space When Necessary.
  6. Avoid Fighting and Drama.
  7. Make Plans Together.
  8. Don’t Be Afraid to Flirt.

What did he say to me after our first date?

After our first “date” ( this is in quotes because he asked me out and I invited him to go to the movies with me and my friends, so it wasn’t really, but it felt like one because he was super nervous and blushing and so was I) he said he “had a good time with me” and when we were messaging on FB he said he had a really great time with me.

What does it mean when a guy says you had a good time?

If you asked him if he had a good time and he was replying to your question there iss a possibilty he was just being nice. If he come out with it randomly he’s being sincere.

Is it correct to say “it was great seeing you”?

“It was great seeing you” in my mind has a slightly different implication than “It was great meeting you.” “Seeing you” suggests that this is a renewed meeting from former times, and that’s what I would say when “re-seeing” someone from a previous time – could be last week, month, last year.

How do you respond when someone says have a great time?

You respond by saying I had a great time with you too . Let’s do it again sometime . Or let’s do it again soon . Or let’s get together tomorrow . if you don’t like this person then don’t follow up on it or give them a tepid message like … it was ok .


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