Is Denti-Cal the same as Medi-Cal?

Is Denti-Cal the same as Medi-Cal?

California’s Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, currently offers dental services as one of the program’s many benefits. Medi-Cal Dental, also known as Denti-Cal, is the program that provides free or low-cost dental services to eligible children and adults.

How do I get Denti-Cal?

Call Denti-Cal at 1-800-322-6384 to find a dentist who takes Medi-Cal. Mail the completed choice form. Health Care Options will send you a letter telling you that the dental plan change has taken place. You must see your present dentist until you get the letter from Health Care Options.

How do I check my Denti-Cal history?

Where can providers check for a patient’s treatment history? History can be located by using the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system when calling 800-423- 0507. The IVR is available 22 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Are crowns covered by Denti-Cal?

Medi-Cal offers comprehensive preventative and restorative dental benefits to both children and adults. Restored benefits will include, for example: Laboratory processed crowns, posterior root canal therapy, periodontal services, and partial dentures, including denture adjustments, repairs, and relines.

When did Denti-Cal start?

denti-Cal, medi-Cal’s fee-for-service (ffs) dental program, was the primary public financer of dental care for more than 8 million low-income, elderly, and disabled people in California in 2007.

Does Medi-Cal pay for dental?

Medi-Cal offers comprehensive preventative and restorative dental benefits to both children and adults. You can find a Medi-Cal dentist on the ​ Medi-Cal Dental Provider Referral List, or by calling 1-800-322-6384.

Are resin crowns good?

Resin Crown – These are typically the least expensive option when it comes to selecting a dental crown material, but they come with the disadvantage that resin can wear down more quickly than other material types. Resin dental crowns look good in your mouth, but may need to be replaced more quickly than other types.

What is the Medi-Cal dental program?

The Medi-Cal Program currently offers dental services as one of the program’s many benefits. Under the guidance of the California Department of Health Care Services, the Medi-Cal Dental Program aims to provide Medi-Cal members with access to high-quality dental care.

Do you need a BIC for Medi Cal dental?

Medi-Cal Benefits Identification Card When you become eligible for Medi-Cal benefits the State issues a Medi-Cal Benefits Identification Card (BIC). The BIC acts as identification (ID) for Medi-Cal members. You will need to show your BIC to your dental provider to receive dental services.

What is medmedi-Cal dental disaster assistance for providers?

Medi-Cal Dental Offers Disaster Assistance for Providers and Members affected by fires.

How do I Change my Dentist on Medi-Cal?

If services were prior authorized to one dentist and you wish to change your dentists, it is necessary that you write a letter indicating your change and have your new dentist submit that letter to the Medi-Cal Dental Program with his/her Treatment Authorization (TAR) form.


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