Where does LAN Messenger Store history?

Where does LAN Messenger Store history?

To access the module, click the View Message History button found on the toolbar of the main Softros LAN Messenger window. The History Viewer window will appear on your desktop. A list of the users you have ever contacted through Softros LAN Messenger is located on the left.

How secure is LAN messenger?

All messages and files exchanged by the users are securely encrypted and never go outside your local company network, which guarantees that no unauthorized person will ever read your private correspondence or access your sensitive data.

What is instant messaging platform?

instant messaging (IM), form of text-based communication in which two persons participate in a single conversation over their computers or mobile devices within an Internet-based chatroom. The software establishes a direct connection between users so they can talk to each other synchronously, in real time.

What is a secure VPN?

A virtual private network (VPN) is a technology that creates a safe and encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the internet. VPN technology was developed as a way to allow remote users and branch offices to securely access corporate applications and other resources.

What is a VPN website?

Site-to-site VPN is a type of VPN connection that is created between two separate locations. It provides the ability to connect geographically separate locations or networks, usually over the public Internet connection or a WAN connection.

What is VPN pro?

VPN is used as a method for securing and encrypting communications. WASEL Pro VPN creates an encrypted tunnel through which all of your online data passes back and forth which guarantees that all of the data you’re sending and receiving is secured from hackers and data sniffers.

What is a VPN company?

By using a VPN, a company can use intranet resources of the company to enable employees working at different locations or from home to work together. So, it is a safer and a faster way to share information and work efficiently for businesses whose offices are located across multiple geographical locations.



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