What are the requirements to get into the Secret Service?

What are the requirements to get into the Secret Service?

Secret Service Requirements

  • Be a U.S. Citizen.
  • Be at least 21 years of age at time of application and younger than 37 at the time of receipt of a conditional offer of employment to continue in the application process.
  • Possess a current valid driver’s license.
  • Qualify for the GL-07 level or the GL-09 level.

What percent of applicants get into the Secret Service?

Getting a job with the agency is one of the more difficult in law enforcement, with fewer than 1 percent of 15,600 special- agent applicants selected last year.

How do you become a uniformed Secret Service agent?

Certification: All candidates must take and pass the federal Police Officer Selection Test (POST) and must be physically fit to perform the strenuous duties that often accompany work in law enforcement. A medical exam by a government doctor will also be required.

How long is the secret service hiring process?

Typically, a full background investigation takes approximately six to nine months to complete. During this time, a wide range of information is verified. This includes employment history, police records, credit history, school transcripts, neighborhood references and military records.

Is it hard to get hired by the Secret Service?

Getting a job with the U.S. Secret Service is far from easy, as the selection process is extremely competitive. Candidates must have either a college degree or a combination of college and law enforcement work experience, with a background in criminal investigation.

Are Secret Service agents sworn to secrecy?

Secret Service agents are not bound by any oath of secrecy. The 2,100 agents, who are organised by the Treasury, are sworn only to be “worthy of trust and confidence”. Like all law-enforcement officers, they are required to report any criminal activity they witness on the job.

Does Secret Service do polygraph?

The Forensic Services Division (FSD) Polygraph Branch of the United States Secret Service (USSS) uses the FSD Polygraph system to track all polygraph examinations that it administers. This database contains information on applicant and criminal polygraph examinations and their results.

What do secret service police do?

Special agents focus on protecting top U.S. and visiting foreign officials, and investigating financial crimes. Our Uniformed Division officers’ mission is to protect facilities and venues secured for U.S. Secret Service protectees.


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