Can koi fish live with Arowana?

Can koi fish live with Arowana?

They can live together if their size is pretty much the same or the koi is larger than the arowana.

What fish can be kept with arowana?

Silver Arowana Tank Mates

  • Large catfish.
  • Parrotfish.
  • Jaguar Cichlid.
  • Pacu (if the tank is large enough)
  • Silver Dollar Fish.
  • Large Plecos.
  • Bichir.
  • Green Terror Cichlid.

What size tank is good for koi fish?

Koi grow quickly and get very large. Keep mature koi in an outdoor pond of at least 3 feet deep, with at least 50 gallons of water per fish. Young koi can be kept indoors in an aquarium of at least 29 gallons. Put the aquarium in a quiet area out of direct sunlight and drafts.

Can you have 1 koi fish in a tank?

One of the first questions that a budding koi enthusiast often asks is how big their aquarium should be. Koi require a large space to grow into and enjoy. With this in mind, even for a single koi (and, as social creatures, they are better in pairs or groups), you will want a large aquarium to host your koi.

Can I put arowana with goldfish?

An arowana needs more space and he would probably kill the goldfish. This is not a good idea, they are not an easy fish to keep, they have lots of needs and must haves.

Does arowana need oxygen?

Arowanas are freshwater bony fish of the family Osteoglossidae, also known as bony tongues (the latter name is now often reserved for Arapaimidae). The arowana is a facultative air breather and can obtain oxygen from air by sucking it into its swim bladder, which is lined with capillaries like lung tissue.

Can you keep two arowana together?

If you plan on keeping multiple adult Arowanas together, do so cautiously. They generally don’t get along well together. If you are insistent, you should keep at least 6 of them together and keep them in a large natural pond (or an aquarium of similar size).

What size tank do Arowanas need?

Because arowanas grow quickly and are large adults, a 150-gallon aquarium is the minimum size recommended to help keep them healthy.

Can koi live without air pump?

Yes, they’ll live without an air pump. But they might not live very long. Air pumps ensure that the water stays oxyginated which is the enviornment the fish needs to thrive. Or to say the least, its 1 vital component of a healthy enviornment for the carp.

Can koi stay small?

There really is no such thing as ‘small’ Koi! The smallest ones are around 16 inches full-grown, which is quite big for the average domestic fish. Sunburkins are often referred to as ‘the poor man’s Koi’ and grow to about 15 inches long. They are a happy, active fish that get along with most other species of pond fish.

Can koi and goldfish live together?

Koi and goldfish can be kept in the same pond, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Both koi and goldfish can be beautiful and they come in a variety of colors. Koi will breed with the goldfish. Some of the baby fish (fry) will be born brown or grey and may turn orange as they get older.

Can I keep discus with arowana?

Registered. Yes, you can. Just keep in mind that the Arowana is going to grow much faster than the Discus.


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