Where is the Butterfly Nebula located?

Where is the Butterfly Nebula located?

constellation of Scorpius
The Butterfly Nebula is one of the brightest and more extreme examples of a pinched-waist, bipolar planetary nebula. Also known as NGC 6302, it is located 2,417 light-years away in the constellation of Scorpius.

What constellation is the Butterfly Nebula in?

About the Object

Name: Butterfly Nebula, NGC 6302
Type: Milky Way : Nebula : Type : Planetary
Constellation: Scorpius
Category: Nebulae

How big is NGC 6302?

1.5 light years
NGC 6302/Radius

Where did the Butterfly Nebula come from?

They blasted away from the star in all directions, but the thick disk of dust slowed the gas traveling along the orbital plane. The result was two opposing jets of hot gas racing away from the star at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour, creating the wings of the butterfly.

What is at the center of NGC 6302?

A dying star that was once about five times the mass of the Sun is at the center of this fury. It has ejected its envelope of gases and is now unleashing a stream of ultraviolet radiation that is making the cast-off material glow.

What is at the center of the Butterfly Nebula?

The star at the centre of the nebula is a white dwarf with an estimated mass of about 0.64 solar masses. It has a dense disc of dust and gas surrounding it at the equator, which is believed to have caused the star’s outflow of material to form the bipolar butterfly shape, resembling an hour-glass.

What is the hottest nebula?

Its surface temperature is probably 150,000–250,000 K, although a temperature of 340,000 K or even 500,000 K is not ruled out, making it among the hottest white dwarf stars known….Red Spider Nebula.

Emission nebula
Declination -19° 50′ 34.9″
Distance ~5000 ly
Apparent magnitude (V) 13
Apparent dimensions (V) 1.5 arcmin

Can you see the Butterfly Nebula from Earth?

The Butterfly Nebula distance from Earth is 3,800 Light Years in the constellation of Scorpius. N.A.S.A. The gas is travelling through space at a speed of 600,000 Miles an hour. Although you can’t see because of the gas and clouds, there is a star at the centre and that is estimated at being 400,000 Fahrenheit.

How far from Earth is the Butterfly Nebula?

3,392 light years
NGC 6302/Distance to Earth

What type of nebula is Butterfly Nebula?

bipolar planetary nebula
NGC 6302 (also known as the Bug Nebula, Butterfly Nebula, or Caldwell 69) is a bipolar planetary nebula in the constellation Scorpius. The structure in the nebula is among the most complex ever observed in planetary nebulae.

How hot is WR 102?

210,000 K
WR 102/Surface temperature

Is the Red Spider Nebula hotter than the sun?

The results are astonishing—the surface temperature of the star at the center of the Red Spider Nebula is an incredible 540,000 degrees F, more than 50 times hotter than the Sun, and 30 times hotter than mighty Sirius.


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