What is TSG gold?

What is TSG gold?

Technical Summary. Teaching Strategies GOLD® Overview. Teaching Strategies GOLD® is an authentic observation-based assessment system for children from birth through kindergarten. The system may be implemented with any developmentally appropriate curriculum.

What is the TSG assessment?

Teaching Strategies GOLD (TSG) and the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment (DECA) are both high quality assessments of infants, toddlers and preschoolers. TSG helps adults assess 38 different developmental and learning objectives including areas including cognitive, literacy, mathematics and social-emotional.

Is Teaching Strategies GOLD a curriculum?

The tools and resources of Teaching Strategies GOLD enable teachers to implement a comprehensive, complete system that directly links curriculum and assessment.

What is AlaKiDS?

• AlaKiDS is a whole child assessment given the first month of Kindergarten that will provide the Kindergarten. teacher with needed information on a child’s independent skills and abilities. This will be a valuable tool to help guide instruction and set goals for each child.

What is the cost of creative curriculum?

The curriculum is published by Teaching Strategies for Early Childhood. Diane Trister Dodge, the founder of Teaching Strategies is the lead author and is assisted by 13 other authors. The current cost for the curriculum is $2,149.00 or $3,149.00 for an expanded deluxe edition.

What is teaching strategies gold?

Teaching Strategies GOLD is an observational assessment measure used by teachers and designed to assess the ongoing development and learning of children from birth through kindergarten.

What is creative curriculum gold?

The Creative Curriculum for Preschool and Teaching Strategies GOLD are based on 38 objectives for development and learning organized within the areas of Social–Emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy, and Mathematics.

What is ts gold assessment?

TS Gold assessment scores are used by your child’s teacher to determine what your child knows and can do and how that relates to important objectives for development and learning.

What is ts gold?

TS Gold is an ongoing, observation-based assessment for preschool and kindergarten students. It meets the state requirements of the early readiness assessment in accordance with Colorado’s Achievement Plan for Kids passed in 2008.


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