What does CLT stand for in language teaching?

What does CLT stand for in language teaching?

Communicative Language Teaching
The term “Communicative Language Teaching” (CLT) means different things to different teachers. To some teachers, it simply means a greater emphasis on the use of the target language in the classroom, and in particular, a greater emphasis on orality.

What are the main techniques of CLT?

There are some learning and teaching techniques that can be used in Communicative Language Teaching class, for example, role play, information gap, language exchanges, simulation, discussion, game, pair work and group work. All these techniques can engage the learners in communication process.

Is CLT a learning process?

CLT methods primarily focus on the interaction during a classroom-based foreign language class or online language learning session, in which students actually produce speech and conversation for most of the classroom time using the target language. In CLT, communication is the end and the means of the teaching method.

What is a focus of CLT activities?

According to CLT, the goal of language education is the ability to communicate in the target language. This is in contrast to previous views in which grammatical competence was commonly given top priority. CLT also positions the teacher as a facilitator, rather than an instructor.

What are the problems to use CLT in Bangladesh?

Based on the previous research, it shows that large class sizes, mismatches between curriculum and assessment, cultural inappropriateness, lack of training, and poor socioeconomic conditions are the major challenges to implementing CLT in Bangladesh.

What are the benefits of applying CLT in your classroom?

The CLT approach focuses on giving students the skills to clearly and confidently communicate in real-world situations with native speakers of their target language. As such, it moves away from a traditional focus on grammar to encourage the active and authentic use of language in learning and acquisition.

What is CLT (communicative language teaching)?

It is also referred to as the “Communicative Approach”. Historically, CLT has been seen as a response to the Audio-Lingual Method (ALM), and as an extension or development of the Notional-Functional Syllabus.

What is the aim of CLT?

The aim of CLT is communicative competence, a term coined by Dell Hymes around 1970 to distinguish between formal ability and knowledge of the structures of language and a practical, social ability to use it as a medium of communication. Firstly, of course, we need to define what we mean by communicative competence.

What is the communicative language teaching approach?

Communicative language teaching. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Approach to language education. Communicative language teaching ( CLT ), or the communicative approach, is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study.

What is the difference between CLT and discourse analysis?

It is clear that CLT focuses on the learners’ performance in the language but it should not be forgotten that this performance is based on competence. A speech act is an utterance as an action, a way of getting something done in any language. In discourse analysis, speech acts may be subdivided into moves.


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