What is the Schiller effect?

What is the Schiller effect?

Schiller effects are the result of thin microscopic inclusions within a translucent mineral, usually as exsolution lamellae, which refract and reflect incident light. This is due to the presence of a miscibility gap, causing exsolution of orthoclase from the plagioclase host during cooling.

Is a labradorite a sedimentary rock?

Labradorite is found in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. It most often occurs as a primary mineral in mafic igneous rocks such as basalt, gabbro, and norite. It is also found in sediments and sedimentary rocks that are derived from the weathering of other rocks that contain labradorite.

Does moonstone have Labradorescence?

Rainbow Moonstone Properties Rainbow moonstone (along with other labradorite gemstones) are known for their beautiful shimmering iridescent effect when light sparkles off them. This effect has been known as ‘labradorescence’, a term coined by the Danish geologist Ove Balthasar Bøggild.

What causes Schiller?

What Causes Schiller. The Schiller effect is caused from light interference that forces the light to sparkle inside the gem. The sparkle effect is caused by the reflection of light from tiny disc-like presences made from copper or iron ore.

What is Schiller in crystals?

“Schiller,” which is German for shining or twinkle, describes the gemological effect of aventurescence which is caused by light reflecting off tiny mineral platelets inside the gemstone. The Schiller effect is seen in several stones such as Sunstone and Aventurine Quartz.

What is labradorite used for?

It has been used in treatment for eyes and brain disorders, to stimulate mental acuity, and to reduce stress and anxiety. It may also be soothing during menstruation, for PMS symptoms, and for pain relief. Labradorite lowers blood pressure, reduces sensitivity to cold, and alleviates rheumatism and gout.

What is the chemical formula for labradorite?

(Na,Ca)₁₋₂Si₃₋₂ O₈
Labradorite/Chemical formula

Where are moonstones found?

The finest moonstones are found mainly in Sri Lanka and Southern India. Other varieties occur Australia, Armenia, Mexico, Brazil, and the United States. The rainbow variety of moonstone can be found in India and Madagascar.

What stones have Schiller?


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