What is popBackStack?
What is popBackStack?
Now popBackStack() reverses your last transaction that you’ve added to BackStack. In this case that would be 2 steps: Remove B from C. Add A to C.
What is Pop_back_stack_inclusive?
POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE. This tells the FragmentManager to pop our root Fragment state along with everything else. In my example this means that the current tab also gets popped off, creating a clean slate for the new tab we are about to display.
What is AppCompat?
When new versions of android are published, Google will have to support the older versions of android. So AppCompat is a set of support libraries which can be used to make the apps developed with newer versions work with older versions. Then, you can use the appCompat library.
What is findFragmentByTag?
findFragmentByTag(String tag) Finds a fragment that was identified by the given tag either when inflated from XML or as supplied when added in a transaction. abstract FragmentManager.BackStackEntry.
What is addToBackStack?
By calling addToBackStack(), the replace transaction is saved to the back stack so the user can reverse the transaction and bring back the previous fragment by pressing the Back button.
What is Behavior_resume_only_current_fragment?
BEHAVIOR_RESUME_ONLY_CURRENT_FRAGMENT. Indicates that only the current fragment will be in the RESUMED state. static final int. BEHAVIOR_SET_USER_VISIBLE_HINT.
What is PagerAdapter?
PagerAdapter supports data set changes. A data set change may involve pages being added, removed, or changing position. The ViewPager will keep the current page active provided the adapter implements the method getItemPosition(Object) .
When does onbackstackchanged() pop from mybackstack?
In onBackStackChanged () pop from myBackStack when its length is greater than getBackStackEntryCount. If you use addToBackStack (), you can use following code. List fragments = fragmentManager.getFragments (); activeFragment = fragments.get (fragments.size () – 1);
How to get the name of a backstack tag?
You can use the getName() method of FragmentManager.BackStackEntry which was introduced in API level 14. This method will return a tag which was the one you used when you added the Fragment to the backstack with addTobackStack(tag).
How to get the backstack name of a fragment?
You can use the getName () method of FragmentManager.BackStackEntry which was introduced in API level 14. This method will return a tag which was the one you used when you added the Fragment to the backstack with addTobackStack (tag).