At what wavelengths is a solar flare observed?

At what wavelengths is a solar flare observed?

Solar flares are observed at all wavelengths from decameter radio waves to gamma-rays at 100 MeV. This review focuses on recent observations in EUV, soft and hard X-rays, white light, and radio waves.

What is the solar prominence of the sun?

A solar prominence (also known as a filament when viewed against the solar disk) is a large, bright feature extending outward from the Sun’s surface. Prominences are anchored to the Sun’s surface in the photosphere, and extend outwards into the Sun’s hot outer atmosphere, called the corona.

What is the difference between a solar flare and prominence?

A prominence is a bright, relatively dense, and relatively cool arched cloud of ionized gas in the chromosphere and corona of the Sun. A solar flare is a sudden, brief (typically lasting only a few minutes), and explosive release of solar magnetic energy that heats and accelerates the gas in the Sun’s atmosphere.

What causes a solar prominence?

Prominences are shaped by the Sun’s complex magnetic field, often forming loops with each end “anchored” to the Sun’s surface (photosphere). Prominences are enormous, extending for many thousands of kilometers (miles). Prominences can last for several days – or up to several months!

What does the spectrum of a prominence reveal?

What does the spectrum of a solar prominence reveal? By measuring and modeling the modes of vibration of the sun’s surface. The sun’s atmospheric layers are all less dense than its interior.

What is the sun’s corona?

The corona is the outermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere where strong magnetic fields bind plasma and prevent turbulent solar winds from escape. The Alfvén point is when solar winds exceed a critical speed and can break free of the corona and the sun’s magnetic fields.

Why is the solar prominence important?

These prominences can last for days, sometimes even months, and are often associated with a very powerful surge of gas that flows outward in a giant solar “belch” — a coronal mass ejection that can light up Earth’s skies with an aurora and even interfere with our technology. For solar observers, prominences are a joy.

How does a solar prominence affect the earth?

The solar flare aspect of a prominence has the most common effect on the earth. Normally, the magnetic field surrounding earth deflects harmful solar radiation. Once detected, they take minutes to a few hours to reach the planet. Their most common effect is on radar, long-range radio and communications satellites.

What happens when prominences join?

Loops in sunspot regions (prominences) sometimes suddenly connect releasing large amounts of magnetic energy. The energy heats gas on the Sun to millions of degrees Celcius causing the gas to erupt into space. A sudden release of energy occurs when prominences link together. This is what these eruptions are called.

How do prominences affect Earth?

Prominences are associated with the release of high energy particles, known as a solar flare. The solar flare aspect of a prominence has the most common effect on the earth. Normally, the magnetic field surrounding earth deflects harmful solar radiation.

How often do solar prominences occur?

They form over timescales of about a day and may persist in the corona for several weeks or months, looping hundreds of thousands of kilometers into space.

What is the size of a solar prominence?

Solar prominence. An erupting prominence occurs when such a structure becomes unstable and bursts outward, releasing the plasma. A typical prominence extends over many thousands of kilometers; the largest on record was estimated at over 800,000 km (500,000 mi) long, roughly a solar radius .

Can we see prominences through a solar filter?

A solar filter that permits seeing prominences is a so-called Hydrogen-alpha (H-alpha) filter, which transmits the wavelength of light prominences give off. If you have a telescope fitted with an H-alpha filter, you can see these tongues of reddish gas blasting above the Sun’s limb, and even watch them as they slowly change over minutes or hours.

How do we see prominences?

For solar observers, prominences are a joy. Of course to ever look at the Sun in any way, you need to do it properly and carefully. A solar filter that permits seeing prominences is a so-called Hydrogen-alpha (H-alpha) filter, which transmits the wavelength of light prominences give off.

How is a prominence formed on the Sun?

Solar prominence. Scientists are currently researching how and why prominences are formed. The red-glowing looped material is plasma, a hot gas composed of electrically charged hydrogen and helium. The prominence plasma flows along a tangled and twisted structure of magnetic fields generated by the sun’s internal dynamo.


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