Can yellow labs go with peacock cichlids?

Can yellow labs go with peacock cichlids?

The Electric Yellow Labs are the most fascinating African cichlid. They stand out with their good coloration but additionally because they are one of the most peaceful of the Mbuna species. Different peaceful Mbunas in addition to Peacock Cichlids, Featherfins, and Lamprologus species could make good tankmates.

Is the yellow tail Acei a Mbuna?

“acei” (also known as yellow-tail acei) is a Mbuna cichlid from Lake Malawi that grows to around 7 in (18 cm) in length.

Can you keep Mbuna and Peacocks together?

Keeping cichlids from the same region together is also recommended. For instance, mbuna and peacock cichlids will do well together since they both come from Lake Malawi in the east coast of Africa.

Can you put a peacock cichlid in a community tank?

Peacock cichlids need a minimum of 55 gallons. For community tanks, the gallon size should be at least doubled. Female cichlids get along well and can be kept together, but males will become territorial. They may harass other males, females, or other tank mates.

What can you put with peacock cichlids?

Peacock Cichlid Tank Mates

  • Other peacock cichlids – if you keep a mixed tank, keep 1 male to every 2 females, or keep an all male tank with a mix of species.
  • Plecos.
  • Botia loaches.
  • Peaceful Haplochromis cichlids.
  • Synodontis catfish.
  • African red eye tetra.
  • Red tail shark.
  • Rainbow shark.

Can you mix Frontosa with Peacocks?

Peacock Cichlids Despite being brilliantly colored they are extremely active swimmers and are constantly on display, rivaling the occasionally shy Frontosas for showiness. While they prefer Rift Lake water chemistry Peacocks can be kept and even bred in typical aquarium conditions!

Can you keep 2 Peacocks together?

Peafowl thrive with their own kind. When deciding to keep more than one, experienced keepers might suggest you don’t make them all male. In fact, it’s often best to restrict the party to a single male and a few hens.

Can you keep Peacock cichlids alone?

Can cichlids live alone? When provided with clean water and food, in theory most cichlids are able to survive alone. However it is best to keep at least a breeding pair or more to allow them to thrive.

What is the scientific name of yellow tail acei?

Yellow Tail Acei – Snake River Cichlids Scientific Name: Psuedotropeus sp. “Acei” Place of Origin: Lake Malawi Adult Size: 5 – 6″Temperament: Moderately aggressive, especially displaying conspecific aggression. Description: This Mbuna display deep blues and purples in its body.

What fish can I put with an ACEI cichlid?

Specific haps and peacock cichlids can be combined with the acei cichlid provided they are not very large, and the acei cichlid is not being violent. They can also be housed with fast semi-aggressive fish such as rainbow cichlids and tiger barbs, but it may not be the ideal choice since there is a difference in the water chemistry for both.

Can acei cichlids get Malawi bloat?

If the water conditions are poor, then Acei cichlid is quite susceptible to diseases which include the Malawi bloat which may even be fatal. There is not much known about this disease. However, once contracted it is quite difficult to treat it.

How many acei cichlids in a rocky area?

In the rocky areas though, only about 3-10 would be found. Acei cichlids are quite active and good-natured and stick to only occasional mock fights. They can, however, be the bully or even the one being bullied in the water tank depending upon who they are living with, in the aquarium.


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