How did Nagato kill Yahiko?

How did Nagato kill Yahiko?

Not wanting to force Nagato to make the choice, Yahiko impaled himself with a kunai that was placed in Nagato’s hand. With Yahiko’s dying breath, he told Nagato to survive, because he believed in Jiraya’s words that Nagato would become the world’s savior. This would become the second great pain of Nagato’s life.

Why did Nagato killed Yahiko?

Seeing the Akatsuki as a threat to his position and power Hanzo conspired with Danzo to trap the group. Hanzo gave Nagato a choice: either to kill Yahiko or to watch Konan die in front of their eyes. Yahiko knew that Nagato could not kill his friend so he pushed himself into Nagato’s kunai, which resulted in his death.

What happened to Nagato after Yahiko died?

Following Yahiko’s death, Nagato would turn his body into the Deva Path of his Six Paths of Pain, which he used as the continued public image of Akatsuki’s leadership.

Was Nagato in love with Yahiko?

Evidence. Yahiko was shown to have romantic feelings for Konan. Nagato confessed to Yahiko that he thinks Konan might hold the same regards to Yahiko. It was hinted that they both had romantic feelings for each other.

Did yahiko kill himself?

Yahiko committed suicide to save his freind by stabbing himself through the kunai Which Nagato was holding in his hand. He did that because Hanzo gave Nagato the choice of either saving konan or killing Yahiko, and Yahiko chose his own demise.

Is pain actually yahiko?

The “Pain” that is most often seen and used in the series is the Deva Path. This is actually Nagato’s deceased friend Yahiko (弥彦), one of six animated corpses collectively known as “The Six Paths of Pain” that are controlled by Nagato and use one sixth of his full power.

Why did Hanzo betray Yahiko?

Hanzo sensed that his united world was already seeing the problem of disunity and that the members of the Akatsuki would make Yahiko the leader of a united world. Hanzo believed Yahiko was too young to lead effectively.

Is Pain actually Yahiko?

How did Yahiko come back to life?

A shinobi almost killed Yahiko (while under the care of Jiraiya) but was saved by Nagato. When Jiraiya left them he didn’t go directly to Konoha but instead went back to the battlefield.

Who was Konan in love with?

Yahiko was Konan’s love interest in Naruto.

Who is Konan’s love interest?

Why does Nagato look like Yahiko?

Nagato would use Yahiko’s body for Akatsuki meetings. He also viewed it above other bodies he was using, sacrificing those to protect the body that used to be Yahiko. Essentially, Yahiko was the face and body of Nagato since he could not move or battle with ease due to his injured legs.


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