How do I find the type of an object in Salesforce?

How do I find the type of an object in Salesforce?

How to find object type from Salesforce record id?

  1. Id myId = ‘0035A00003MuvnuQAB’;
  2. String sObjName = myId. getSObjectType(). getDescribe(). getName();
  3. system. debug(‘Object Name is ‘ + sObjName);

What are the Salesforce standard objects?

Standard Objects: The objects provided by is called standard objects. Examples of standard objects are accounts, contacts, opportunities, Leads, products, campaigns, cases, users, contracts, Report, and dashboards, etc.

What is object type in Apex?

We can refer this as any data type which is supported in Apex. For example, Class variable can be object of that class, and the sObject generic type is also an object and similarly specific object type like Account is also an Object. This is the class object which will be used as class variable.

What is type in Salesforce?

Contains methods for getting the Apex type that corresponds to an Apex class and for instantiating new types.

How do I find the object type ID in Salesforce?

Execute the following snippet of code in the Developer Console to find the Object name based on the Record ID prefix: String objectName = SchemaGlobalDescribe. findObjectNameFromRecordIdPrefix(‘500’); System. debug(objectName);

What’s an object in Salesforce?

Salesforce objects are database tables that permit you to store the data specific to an organization. Salesforce objects are of two types: Standard Objects: Standard objects are the kind of objects that are provided by, such as users, contracts, reports, dashboards, etc.

What are CRM objects in Salesforce?

Standard objects are provided by Salesforce as a basic CRM structure. These include account, contact, opportunity, lead, campaign and so on. These are the tables that contain the records in any standard tabs, such as Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Leads, Campaigns, and so on.

What is the difference between Sobject and object in Salesforce?

An Object is any type of value that can be represented. They can be Integers, Strings, Booleans, custom classes, SObjects, and more. Sobjects are specific subtype that represents database records, including standard objects like Accounts and Cases, custom objects, custom settings, and custom metadata.

What is blob in Apex Salesforce?

Blob is a collection of binary data stored as a single object. You can convert this data type to String or from String using the toString and valueOf methods, respectively. Blobs can be accepted as Web service arguments, stored in a document (the body of a document is a Blob), or sent as attachments.

What are different data types in Salesforce?

Salesforce Data Types and Transformation Data Types

Salesforce Data Type Range and Description
AnyType Polymorphic data type that returns string, picklist, reference, boolean, currency, integer, double, percent, ID, date, datetime, URL, or email data
Base64 Base64 encoded binary data
Boolean Boolean (true/false) values

What are the standard business objects in Salesforce?

21 Dec 4 standard objects you need to know to use Salesforce Lead. Since most businesses need revenue to survive, sales is normally very important. Account. The Account object is probably the next most important standard object you need to know. Contact. The standard object Contact indicates a person who is associated with an account. Opportunity.

How do I create a custom object in Salesforce?

Create a Custom Object in Salesforce. Build a Custom Object. The Custom Object will be used to store the data received from the device. Return to the Salesforce page. Click the Setup icon in the top-right navigation menu and select Setup. Click the Object Manager tab next to Home.

How do I create a custom field in Salesforce?

To create a field in a custom object,go to the Setup menu

  • Go to: Build> Create> Objects
  • Now,select the object in which you want to create custom fields
  • After that,go to the Custom Fields&Relationships section and select New
  • Now,you need to create the Father’s Name field. To create this field,first,you have to select the data type and then click on Next
  • Now,fill in all the details in the open tab and again click on Next
  • After that,in the Filed-Level Security for Profile field,select Visible
  • Then,you have to click on Save&New if you want to create all the remaining custom fields
  • Once you create all the custom fields,it will appear like below:
  • What are junction objects in Salesforce?

    In salesforce, Junction Object are the part of the objects which joins one object to another. These are specially used to join many objects in Many to Many relationships.


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