How do I restart inetd service on HP UX?

How do I restart inetd service on HP UX?

Try “inetd -c” to restart inetd. inetd will reread its configuration file /etc/inetd. conf. Hope this helps.

How do I refresh inetd conf?

conf file can be updated by using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT), the System Resource Controller (SRC), or by editing the /etc/inetd. conf. If you change the /etc/inetd. conf file, using SMIT, then the inetd daemon will be refreshed automatically and will read the new /etc/inetd.

How do I find my HP UX password policy?

Re: password policy change in hp-ux 11.31

  1. Start SMH TUI and get into “Accounts for Users and Groups”
  2. Select “users” and press “Enter”
  3. Select the user from the list of users and go to “Actions” menu.
  4. From the drop down menu, choose “Modify Security Policies” option to set user level security attributes.

How do I restart inetd process?

Howto restart inetd service / daemon under Linux

  1. Task: Start inetd service. Type the command: # /etc/init.d/inetd start.
  2. Task: Stop inetd service. Type the command: # /etc/init.d/inetd stop.
  3. Task: Restart inetd service. Type the command: # /etc/init.d/inetd restart.
  4. See also: FreeBSD: How to restart inetd service/Daemon.

How do I know if inetd is running?

To determine the state and start the xinetd service:

  1. Log into the ESX host using an SSH client.
  2. Run the following command to verify that the xinetd service is running:
  3. If it is not running, xinetd is stopped will be returned.
  4. Run service xinetd status again to verify the service is now running.

Which command’s must be run after the inetd conf file is updated?

-1 InetdPID command
If you change the /etc/inetd. conf file, run the refresh -s inetd or kill -1 InetdPID command to inform the inetd daemon of the changes to its configuration file.

How can I tell when a Unix password will expire?

Linux check user password expiration using chage

  1. Open the terminal application.
  2. Type chage -l userName command to display password expiration information for Linux user account.
  3. The -l option passed to the change show account aging information.
  4. Check tom user’s password expiry time, run: sudo chage -l tom.

How do I know when my AIX password expires?

4 Answers. Is there any chage sort of command on AIX? check /etc/shadow file thats where the expiry information is stored. Update: It seems there is a passwdexpired subroutine that can be loaded and Checks the user’s password to determine if it has expired.

What is inetd conf?

Description. The /etc/inetd. conf file is the default configuration file for the inetd daemon. This file enables you to specify the daemons to start by default and supply the arguments that correspond to the desired style of functioning for each daemon. This file is part of TCP/IP in Network Support Facilities.

What is the difference between Xinetd and Inetd?

A. inetd is also known as super-server daemon and it runs on many Unix / Linux systems that manages Internet service such as ftp or pop3 or telnet. xinetd (eXtended InterNET Daemon) is also an open-source daemon which runs on many Unix / Linux systems and manages Internet-based services such as ftp or telnet.

How restart inetd service in Linux?

Howto restart inetd service / daemon under Linux

  1. Task: Start inetd service. Type the command: # /etc/init.d/inetd start.
  2. Task: Stop inetd service. Type the command: # /etc/init.d/inetd stop.
  3. Task: Restart inetd service. Type the command: # /etc/init.d/inetd restart.
  4. See also: FreeBSD: How to restart inetd service/Daemon.

Where is etc inetd conf?

The inetd. conf file tells inetd which ports to listen to and what server to start for each port….5.8. The inetd – /etc/inetd. conf file.

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