How do you count from 1 to 1000 in German?

How do you count from 1 to 1000 in German?

The rule for counting in the hundreds is exactly the same as in English. You take the number from one to nine and add the word “hundert” (hundred) to the end of it….How To Count From 100 to 1,000 In German.

100 Einhundert
700 Siebenhundert
800 Achthundert
900 Neunhundert
1000 Eintausend

How do you say the numbers 1 to 100 in German?

For any number in between, simply follow the pattern: one-and-twenty (einundzwanzig), two-and-twenty (zweiundzwanzig), three-and-twenty (dreiundzwanzig), all the way through nine….Twenty to One Hundred.

Number German Word Pronunciation
70 siebzig SEEB-tsig
80 achtzig AHKT-sig
90 neunzig NOIN-tsig
100 hundert HOON-dert

How do you count numbers in German?

It’s an easy initial step, and one that will be useful later on while learning the language.

  1. One = eins.
  2. Two = zwei.
  3. Three = drei.
  4. Four = vier.
  5. Five = fünf.
  6. Six = sechs.
  7. Seven = sieben.
  8. Eight = acht.

How do you count from 100 to 200 in German?

The 100s

  1. 101 — 110. 101 — hunderteins. 102 — hundertzwei. 103 — hundertdrei. 104 — hundertvier. 105 — hundertfünf. 106 — hundertsechs. 107 — hundertsieben.
  2. 200 — 210. 200 — zweihundert. 201 — zweihunderteins. 202 — zweihundertzwei. 203 — zweihundertdrei. 204 — zweihundertvier. 205 — zweihundertfünf. 206 — zweihundertsechs.

How are numbers written in Germany?

Counting From Zero To Twenty In German

  1. zero — null.
  2. one — eins.
  3. two — zwei.
  4. three — drei.
  5. four — vier.
  6. five — fünf.
  7. seven — sieben.
  8. nine — neun.

What is the German word for 125?

The Number 125 in German 125 ist die hundertfünfundzwanzigste Zahl.

What are the German numbers 1 to 100?

The German numbers 1-10 are: Ein – “One” Zwei – “Two” Drei – “Three” Vier – “Four” Fünf – “Five” Sechs – “Six” Sieben – “Seven” Acht – “Eight” Neun – “Nine” Zehn – “Ten”

How do you count to ten in German?

Counting in German Start counting from 1 to 10 in German by saying the word “eins” for one. Say “zwei” for the number two. Say “drei” for the number three. Use the word “vier” for the number four. Say “fünf” for the number five. Use the word “sechs” for six in German. Say the word for seven as “sieben.”. Use the word “acht” for the word eight.

How to say 100 in German?

100 = Einhundert (This is an easy one to remember!) By using these tips and language hacks you should have no trouble mastering the German number 1 to 100. German For “One”: Ein, Eins, Eine, Einen, Eines, Einer or Einem? The number one in German is the only number that needs to be conjugated. In English we have three words for “one”.

How to say numbers in German?

= eins

  • = zwei
  • = drei
  • = vier
  • = fünf
  • = sechs
  • = sieben
  • = acht
  • = neun
  • = zehn. Now you will learn how to calculate in German. Have you listened to the vocabulary words from the top of the page?
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