How do you join the French Foreign Legion?

How do you join the French Foreign Legion?

The ONLY solution to join the French Foreign Legion is to go to mainland France (in EUROPE) and knock on the door of one of the Foreign Legion recruiting centers (once you are in, free accommodation, food and clothing are immediately provided by the Legion).

What are the requirements to join the French Foreign Legion?

French Foreign Legion Age Requirements. The Foreign Legion has two age limit requirements. A minimum age limit for joining in and a maximum age limit. The minimum age limit for joining the Foreign Legion is 17 years and 6 months. That means you have to be 17 years, 6 months and 0 days old at minimum when you are knocking on the Legion’s gate.

How to join the French Foreign Legion?

Check your prerequisites for joining! The age limit in the French Foreign Legion is between 17.5 and 39.5 years.

  • Decide in which recruiting center you want to go. The first step is to decide in which recruiting center you want to go.
  • Prepare your documents and equipment to join the French Foreign Legion.
  • Go to a recruitment center. If you chose to go to Paris. Step 2 is to find the way to Fort de Nogent from the Charles de Gaulle airport.
  • Pass the Welcome to the French Foreign Legion push-ups test! You’ll be asked to do as many pull-ups as you can.
  • Know your medical history. You’ll wait and wait during long hours (time to pull out the book I advised you to put in your bag).
  • Pass the main selection tests in Aubagne. To pass the tests which will determinate your future,you will go down to Aubagne by TGV (high-speed train).
  • Become a Legionnaire. The commission day. You’ll be standing in formation before the building of the recruitment center and an officer will hopefully call your name between the firsts.
  • Why does the French Foreign Legion still exist?

    The French Foreign Legion was primarily used to help protect and expand the French colonial empire during the 19th century. The Foreign Legion was initially stationed only in Algeria, where it took part in the pacification and development of the colony.


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