How does the PZP vaccine work?

How does the PZP vaccine work?

Briefly, the PZP is produced by a complex process whereby the ZP is removed from the ovum, its glycoproteins extracted, isolated, and converted into a vaccine. The vaccine stimulates the target animal to produce antibodies, which attach to its own ZP, thus blocking fertilization and causing contraception.

How long does PZP last?

In a non-frost free freezer the PZP will last for 2 years. In a frost-free freezer do not keep for more than a year. The protein may start to break down.

What is PZP made of?

WHAT IS PZP? Porcine Zona Pellucida (PZP) is an immunocontraceptive that is used to control the reproductive rate of some mammalian species, including horses, deer and elephants. It has been in use since the 1980’s. PZP is a vaccine derived from slaughterhouse pig ovaries (yes, we’d prefer this wasn’t the case).

What is chemical immunocontraception?

Immunocontraception is the use of an animal’s immune system to prevent it from fertilizing offspring.

How does PZP prevent pregnancy?

How does PZP prevent pregnancy? Zona pellucida (ZP) proteins surround the unfertilized eggs of all mammals. Sperm must attach to the sperm-receptor sites along the ZP before an egg can be fertilized. When pig ZP (PZP) is injected into a female animal, her body produces antibodies to it.

Does BLM use PZP?

The PZP vaccine is produced by the non-profit Science and Conservation Center, which pioneered its use in wildlife and provides it to the BLM and other entities at a financial loss.

What is PZP birth control?

Porcine Zona Pellucida, or PZP, is a fertility-control vaccine given to female horses on the range through an injection via remote darting. PZP is scientifically proven, with over three decades of use, and is recommended by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) for use in federally protected wild horse herds.

Who manufactures PZP?

ZonaStat-H is the brand name for the PZP pesticide used specifically to control wild and feral horses and burros. The PZP vaccine is regulated by FDA, and ZonaStat-H is further regulated by EPA. PZP is manufactured and distributed by The Science and Conservation Center in Billings, Montana.

How does copper t’prevent pregnancy?

The ParaGard device is a T-shaped plastic frame that’s inserted into the uterus. Copper wire coiled around the device produces an inflammatory reaction that is toxic to sperm and eggs (ova), preventing pregnancy.

What is GonaCon?

A. GonaCon™ is a new gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) immunocontraceptive vaccine developed by scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Wildlife Services’ (WS) National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC).

What is PZP fertility control?

How long does horse PZP last?

In short, GonaCon, like PZP-22, can produce five to seven years of infertility in free-roaming wild horses with one initial treatment and a single booster two to three years later.


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