How is Kino described in the pearl?

How is Kino described in the pearl?

Kino is a dignified, hardworking, impoverished native who works as a pearl diver. He is a simple man who lives in a brush house with his wife, Juana, and their infant son, Coyotito, both of whom he loves very much.

What happens to Kino in the pearl?

Kino hides the pearl under his bed. That night, he is awakened by an intruder, who hits Kino on the head before fleeing. Juana nurses Kino and tells him that the pearl is evil, evil, evil. In the middle of the night, Kino wakes up to find Juana about two seconds away from throwing away the pearl.

What is the summary of the book the pearl?

The Pearl, short story by John Steinbeck, published in 1947. It is a parable about a Mexican Indian pearl diver named Kino who finds a valuable pearl and is transformed by the evil it attracts. Kino sees the pearl as his opportunity for a better life.

Is Kino poor in the pearl?

‘ Kino is poor and has little money and a few seed pearls to pay the doctor, so the doctor takes his time in going to treat the baby. When the doctor knows for sure that the family has no money, he tells his servant to tell Kino and Juana that he had a more serious case and had to leave.

Is Kino a girl in the pearl?

The main characters in The Pearl are Kino, Juana, the white doctor, and the trackers. Kino is a young Mexican-Indian man who is content with his life until he discovers the pearl. His attempts to sell the pearl and economically advance his family result in the death of his infant son. Juana is Kino’s wife.

Does Kino keep the pearl?

During the day, Kino’s brother, Juan Tomás, lets the other villagers think that Kino has escaped and gone, and he also borrows certain basic provisions for Kino’s escape, even though he also feels that the pearl is now an evil thing. Kino, however, maintains that the pearl has become a part of his soul.

What is the main message of the parable of the pearl?

The Parable of the Pearl (also called the Pearl of Great Price) is one of the parables of Jesus. It appears in Matthew 13 and illustrates the great value of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the penultimate parable in Matthew 13, coming just before the Parable of the Dragnet.

What does the pearl symbolize at the end of the book?

The pearl is a symbol of wealth which is quite ambivalent in its nature throughout the novel. But like wealth, the pearl represents all the evil in the world. It seems all the greed and evil surfaces in the presence of wealth.

Why does Kino want a gun?

Kino wanted a rifle because he wanted to show power over the rest of his village. When Kino took the pearl to the pearl buyers to sell, he was offered one thousand pesos.

Why is Kino trapped?

How does Kino feel trapped by his own ignorance? Kino does not trust what the doctor says, but because of his own ignorance, especially his inability to read, he cannot be certain that the doctor’s information is not true.

Is Kino rich in the pearl?

Kino’s Lust for Money in The Pearl by John Stienbeck In the novel The Pearl, written by John Steinbeck, Kino is a poor, hardworking man who dives for pearls as a living.

What does Kino find in the Pearl?

Kino finds a very large pearl that seems to have magical properties as it heals the baby on it’s own. After Kino brings the pearl home, word spreads around the town that he has found a large pearl that is certain to make his family rich. Envy sets in, and people being trying to steal the pearl and attack the family.

Who is the main character in the Pearl of the world?

Kino, the main character of the book, is the father of Coyotito and husband of Juana. Kino finds the “Pearl of the World” that lays the beginning to their problems. Kino, a poor Mexican pearl diver, enjoys a simple life with his wife Juana and their baby, Coyotito.

How does Juana react when Kino refuses to sell the Pearl?

Juana senses that the pearl is evil and begs Kino to throw the pearl back into the sea, but Kino refuses, believing still that the pearl will give them better lives than they have. On the day that Kino is to sell the pearl, the other divers do not go diving. Kino and Juana begin the trip to the pearl buyers, followed by the entire village.

How does greed change Kino’s life in the Pearl?

The situation changes, when Kino discovers a huge fine pearl one day. Skeptically, Kino howls with joy and suddenly everyone in La Paz is interested in his family and his pearl. Greed modifies their once simple way of life as Kino fitfully tries to get 50,000 pesos for a pearl that the dealers only wish to pay one thousand for.


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