How much do game wardens in Texas make a year?

How much do game wardens in Texas make a year?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average game warden in the state of Texas makes a median salary of $64,920 per year.

How much does a starting Game Warden Make in Texas?

Texas Parks and Wildlife indicates that entry-level game warden cadets start out making ​$3,362.50​ per month, which increases to ​$4,436.83​ per month after training and probation. At four years, game wardens earn ​$5,409.92​ per month. Salary caps out at ​$6,487.17​ after 20 years of service.

How much does a wildlife officer make in Texas?

Conservation Officer Salary in Texas

Percentile Salary Location
25th Percentile Conservation Officer Salary $37,591 TX
50th Percentile Conservation Officer Salary $46,752 TX
75th Percentile Conservation Officer Salary $58,282 TX
90th Percentile Conservation Officer Salary $68,779 TX

How long is Texas Game Warden Academy?

approximately 30 weeks
The academy is approximately 30 weeks in length and includes courses in fish, wildlife and natural resource management; physical training; first aid; water rescue; boat operations; defensive tactics; use of firearms; driver training; civil defense training; homeland security; law enforcement curriculum and tactics.

What pistol do Texas game wardens carry?

Texas Game Wardens are officers of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Law Enforcement Division. For uniformed game wardens , their issue sidearm is a Glock 22 . 40 caliber pistol. Issue patrol rifle is a selective fire M4 Carbine, just as is issued to the US military.

Which state pays game wardens the most?

The following states have the highest, average salaries for game wardens:

  • Illinois: $88,300.
  • Iowa: $82,520.
  • Rhode Island: $77,710.
  • California: $76,240.
  • Washington: $74,010.

What is the age limit for Texas Game Warden?

21 years
All applicants must meet the minimum qualifications outlined below for consideration as a Game Warden Cadet with Texas Parks and Wildlife. Age: An applicant must have reached the age of 21 years on or before January 1,2022. There is no maximum age limit for employment.

Which state pays Game wardens the most?

How much does a Texas Game Warden?

Game Warden Salary in Texas

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $109,426 $9,118
75th Percentile $89,490 $7,457
Average $58,671 $4,889
25th Percentile $25,252 $2,104

Is Texas Game Warden competitive?

Getting into the academy is highly competitive: Only between 40 and 70 admissions offers are made each year, depending on openings on the game warden force and legislative funding.

Do Texas game wardens get a pension?

Game wardens also receive a comprehensive benefits package, including paid time off, a pension, medical and dental insurance and many other benefits.

Is there an age limit to be a Texas Game Warden?

All applicants must meet the minimum qualifications outlined below for consideration as a Game Warden Cadet with Texas Parks and Wildlife. Age: An applicant must have reached the age of 21 years on or before January 1,2022. There is no maximum age limit for employment.

How to become a game warden?

Know when to register. Most states open recruitment one or two times a year.

  • Get some experience. While you are working on your degree,apply for internships at local wildlife conservatories,national or state parks,and fish hatcheries.
  • Do some physical training. Most states require game wardens to pass a physical test before they can be admitted.
  • Start the application process. Each state has a different application process,and applications usually have to be submitted within a specific time frame.
  • Study for the exam. You will be given information on the exams that you will be required to take,as well as resources on where to find the information
  • Go to the academy. Almost all states require cadets to complete training courses at a state academy.
  • Start your training. Once you graduate from the academy,you will be placed under a senior officer who will train you in the field.
  • How many game wardens are in Texas?

    There is no typical shift for Texas’ 532 game wardens, part of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

    How much does a Texas Ranger get paid?

    Texas Rangers are paid according to the Texas State Trooper salary schedule, which differs based on seniority. A Trooper II with four years of service, for example, earns $4,249 per month. A sergeant with more than four years of service earns $4,798.16 per month, while a sergeant with more than 20 years of service earns $5,753.58 per month.


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