How to draw Minnie Mouse step by step?

How to draw Minnie Mouse step by step?

1) To draw Minnie Mouse, start with a circle on the page that will be Minnie Mouse’s head. 2) Next draw two intersecting lines across the circle. When drawing the lines, bend them a bit so that they follow the contour shape of a sphere. 3) Slightly below where the construction lines intersect, draw a small oval. This will be Minnie Mouse’s nose. 4) Draw two long curves on top of the horizontal construction line. Draw one on each side of the vertical construction line. These will be Minnie Mouse’s eyes. 5) Below Minnie Mouse’s nose, draw a wide curved line. Directly below that line, draw another less wide curved line that resembles the letter U.

How to draw a realistic mouse?

Step 1: we’ll start with the eye. Draw a circle for the eye.

  • Step 2: Next draw two ovals for the ears,with lines in them to form the inner ear.
  • Step 3: To draw the head,draw a curve from the ears to the nose,and a line for the chin.
  • Step 4: Now for the body. Draw an n-shape coming over from the ears and down the back. Draw a horizontal line to make the belly.
  • Step 5: For the forearm,add a curve underneath the head with two small circles on the end for paws.
  • How to draw a cute mouse?

    With this information let us draw our mice. Step 1: Draw a diagonal line on the upper corner side of paper following it with curve downside. Step 2: Below the shape drawn in step 1 add body with help of cylindrically circular shape. Step 3: Draw 2 ears on the head portion. Step 4: In this step draw eyes, nose,and long hair near the h for whiskers.

    How to draw Mickey Mouse?

    As we know mickey Mouse has a body structure. thus it is important to have a balanced ratio in body proportion.

  • Above the head on both sides draw ears using two round shapes. From the oval shape draw 2 smooth lines as an outline for the body and legs.
  • Draw arms from the body outline drawn in step 2.
  • In the circle of face draw horizontal oval for nose. Fot glove cuffs and boot collars define the places.
  • Outline your Mickey’s gloves,boots,and draw a face in the circle outlined for the head.
  • On the edges of gloves draw fingers,a cute tail at the back,eye,and face in the circle drawn for face.
  • Then start working on the little details of Mickey,follow the image given below.
  • By adding details in the online as per need,contour your mouse with shades. You can add grass to it,a ball at boots.
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