Is CakePHP free?

Is CakePHP free?

CakePHP is a free, open-source, rapid development framework for PHP. It’s a foundational structure for programmers to create web applications.

Who developed CakePHP?

Michal Tatarynowicz
CakePHP started in April 2005, when a Polish programmer Michal Tatarynowicz wrote a minimal version of a rapid application development framework in PHP, dubbing it Cake. He published the framework under the MIT license, and opened it up to the online community of developers.

What can you do with CakePHP?

CakePHP makes building web applications simpler, faster while requiring less code. A modern PHP 7 framework offering a flexible database access layer and a powerful scaffolding system that makes building both small and complex systems simpler, easier and, of course, tastier.

What is CakePHP w3schools?

CakePHP is an open-source framework for PHP. It is intended to make developing, deploying and maintaining applications much easier. CakePHP is based on a MVC-like architecture that is both powerful and easy to grasp.

What are the different types of associations in CakePHP?

CakePHP makes managing these associations easy. The four association types in CakePHP are: hasOne, hasMany, belongsTo, and belongsToMany. A user has one profile. A user can have multiple articles.

Do I need to follow CakePHP conventions?

It is not mandatory to follow CakePHP conventions, you can override the name of any foreignKey in your associations definitions. Nevertheless, sticking to conventions will make your code less repetitive, easier to read and to maintain. Once you create the UsersTable and AddressesTable classes, you can make the association with the following code:

How does CakePHP protect my website?

CakePHP comes with built-in tools for input validation, CSRF protection, Form tampering protection, SQL injection prevention, and XSS prevention. CakePHP codebase itself has been audited through the Mozilla Secure Open Source program.

What is the basic pattern for foreign keys in CakePHP?

The basic pattern is: hasOne: the other model contains the foreign key. It is not mandatory to follow CakePHP conventions, you can override the name of any foreignKey in your associations definitions. Nevertheless, sticking to conventions will make your code less repetitive, easier to read and to maintain.


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