Is the Maputo Protocol legally binding?

Is the Maputo Protocol legally binding?

The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (the Maputo Protocol) is the first international legally binding human rights instrument to recognize the intersection between women’s human rights and HIV.

What does Maputo Protocol?

The Maputo Protocol unequivocally reinforces women’s rights in totality, while expounding on specific and unique experiences of African women and sets the standards for women’s human rights in Africa that includes among others, elimination of discrimination against women; the right to dignity; the right to life.

Which countries have not ratified the Maputo Protocol?

The states that have signed but not yet ratified are Burundi, the Central African Republic, Chad, Eritrea, Madagascar, Niger, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan.

Why is the Maputo Protocol important?

the importance of the Maputo Protocol is that it recognises that gender inequality undermines social, economic and political empowerment, which in turn impacts on human security.

Has Mozambique ratified the Maputo Protocol?

The Maputo Protocol was adopted in July 2003 in Maputo, Mozambique and entered into force in 2005 after securing 15 ratifications. Six countries have ratified the Protocol with reservations. These are: Cameroon, Kenya, Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa and Uganda. Sixteen (16) countries have not ratified the Protocol.

What does Article 14 of the Maputo Protocol mean for Africa?

Article 14, “Health and Reproductive Rights,” calls for the legalization of what would be in effect abortion-on-demand in Africa. As typically interpreted by international jurists and Western courts, the language of the Maputo Protocol would legalize any abortion for any woman at any point in pregnancy, even in the ninth month.

What does the Maputo Protocol say about violence against women?

Explicit mention of violence against women is made in Article 4, which deals with the rights to life, integrity and security of the person. The Maputo Protocol notes a number of violations related to the aforementioned rights including protection of women from trafficking.

Is the Maputo Protocol a Trojan Horse?

The Maputo Protocol is a classic Trojan Horse. It appears to be one thing — a gift to the African people — but is actually another thing which is far deadlier. The Maputo Protocol was written in large part by the London- based International Planned Parenthood Federation, or IPPF, the largest abortion-promoting organization in the world.

What does Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights mean?

Here is Article 14 in its entirety: States Parties shall ensure that the right to health of women, including sexual and reproductive health is respected and promoted. This includes: f) the right to have family planning education.


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