What are NFSv4 ACLs?

What are NFSv4 ACLs?

These permissions allow you to restrict access to a certian file or directory by user or group. NFSv4 ACLs provide more specific options than typical POSIX read/write/execute permissions used in most systems.

Should I use inherited permissions in NFS ACLS?

EECS IT recommends that you don’t use inherited permissions unless you have familiarized yourself well with NFSv4 ACLs by reading all the manual pages linked to this article. That said, here are a few caveats if you need to use them:

How does the POSIX<->NFSv4 mapping draft work?

The POSIX<->NFSv4 mapping draft ), which is what the linux client and server implement, takes a very strict approach: POSIX ACLs are mapped on the fly to NFSv4 ACLs, but attempts to get or set NFSv4 ACLs fail unless they are precisely equal to a POSIX-mapped NFSv4 ACL.

Why do some servers store ACL’s in their native format?

There are immense advantages to storing those ACL’s using whatever ACL’s the filesystem and operating system support, because that will ensure that they are automatically enforced against other applications and protocol services using the same filesystem. Some servers are therefore translating to and from their native format.


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