What are refractory organics in wastewater?

What are refractory organics in wastewater?

Industrial Wastewater: Wet Air Oxidation of Refractory Organic Compounds. A variety of organic compounds are classified as refractory when they’re poorly biodegraded and/or exhibit a low value for the ratio of biological oxygen demand to chemical oxygen demand (BOD:COD).

What is refractory COD?

Refractory COD is organic compounds that show up in the COD tests as being chemically oxidizable, but are not readily biodegradable.

Which of the following technology can be used for the treatment of refractory organic compounds?

Wet air oxidation (WAO) is one of the most economical and environmentally-friendly advanced oxidation processes. It makes a promising technology for the treatment of refractory organic pollutants in industrial wastewaters.

What is refractory carbon?

We propose that the word “refractory” should be operationally defined (e.g., any form of organic carbon that sequesters CO2 for a period longer that the ocean transit time under in situ conditions).

What are organics in wastewater?

A determination of the concentration of carbon-based (i.e., organic) compounds aimed at establishing the relative “strength” of wastewater (e.g., Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Organic Carbon (TOC), and Oil and Grease (O&G)).

What are organic materials in wastewater?

Along with protein, carbohydrate, fat, oil, grease, and urea, wastewater also contains small quantities of a large number of different synthetic organic molecules. Typical examples include surfactants, priority pollutants, volatile organic compounds, and agricultural pesticides.

What is dissolved organic carbon in water?

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a general description of the organic material dissolved in water. Organic carbon occurs as the result of decomposition of plant or animal material. Organic carbon present in soil or water bodies may then dissolve when contacted by water.

What are the organic pollutants in wastewater?

Organic pollutants include pesticides, fertilizers, hydrocarbons, phenols, plasticizers, biphenyls, detergents, oils, greases, pharmaceuticals, proteins and carbohydrates [1-3].

What is organic loading in wastewater treatment?

Organic Loading means the mass of BOD5 associated with a given volume of wastewater. Organic load is calculated by multiplying the BOD5 concentration in mg/l by a given volume in million gallons and by a conversion factor of 8.34 to determine the pounds of organic load.

Which of these is an organic contaminant found in wastewater?

Many kinds of organic compounds, such as PCBs, pesticides, herbicides, phenols, polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), aliphatic and hetercyclic compounds are included in the wastewater, and industrial and agricultural production as well as the people living could be the source of organic wastewater endangering the …

What is refractory dissolved organic carbon?

Where do refractory organics come from?

Some refractory organics originate from industrial waste either directly or via municipal wastewaters which receive waste from industry. There are also, however, naturally occurring refractory organics; some of these can be converted to harmful materials during such processes as the chlorination of water supplies.

Can refractory organics be treated in a membrane bioreactor effluent?

In this study, refractory organics in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) effluent were investigated following the treatment of landfill leachate by the ozone combined hydrogen peroxide (O 3 /H 2 O 2) and microwave-activated persulfate (MW/PS) processes.

What is a refractory substance?

A. A. Rosen also applies the term refractory to those substances resistant to biodegradation (38). Rosen extends the meaning to include “organics which are not truly resis- tant to oxidation but which persist sufficiently long in a receiving water to exert a characteristic pollutional effect”.

What is the refractory index?

The Refractory Index used here is essentially the ratio of long-term aerobic biochemical oxygen demand under standard conditions to the complete theoretical oxygen demand. This fraction expresses the amount of the organic material that persists in receiving waters.


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