What are some personal consequences of gang membership?

What are some personal consequences of gang membership?

Long-term gang members also had significantly higher rates of unstable employment, school dropout, early pregnancy, and teenage parenthood at the follow-up. Female gang members were more likely to experience untimely or problematic transitions, including unstable employment, teenage pregnancy, and early motherhood.

What is the impact of gang membership on individual offending levels?

Survey research has consistently demonstrated that individuals are significantly more criminally active during periods of active gang membership—compared with before joining the gang and after leaving the gang—particularly in serious and violent offenses.

What are the five domains of risk factors that are related to gang membership?

Gang research has identified several ways in which risk factors increase the likelihood of gang membership. These risk factors span all five social development sectors (family, peer group, school, individual characteristics, and community conditions) (Howell and Egley, 2005).

Which explanation about the relationship between gang membership and delinquency states that kids with a history of violence seek out gang membership?

Kids with a history of crime and violence join gangs and maintain their persistent delinquency once they become members. Gang membership facilitates deviant behavior because it provides the structure and group support for antisocial activities.

What is the average age of a gang member?

Demographic studies of gangs cited by Howell show that the typical age range for a gang is 12–24 with the average age of gang members 17–18 years old. The average age tends to be older in cities like Los Angeles and Chicago where gangs are well established and have been in existence for longer periods of time.

Why you should never join a gang?

Joining a gang will not give you more protection; it could enhance your chance of being targeted as a victim. Gangs are violent and dangerous, and members are also at a higher risk for getting arrested. Take Action! If gang members threaten you, don’t overreact, stay cool, and tell a trusted adult.

At which of the following developmental age periods does gang membership peak?

The peak age range for gang membership is roughly 14 to 15 (Huff 1998). This finding is remarkably consistent across self-report studies, regardless of the risk level of the sample, the restrictiveness of the gang definition, and the study location (Klein and Maxson 2006).

How does gang violence affect the community?

Gangs increase the levels of crimes in communities, and set a bad example for kids in the area. They create an image of power and respect, when in reality they drop out of school, struggle with unemployment, abuse drugs and alcohol or end up in jail. Communities fear them because of the harm they can bring to others.

Is it worth it to join a gang?

Joining a gang will not give you more protection; it could enhance your chance of being targeted as a victim. Gang members make far less money than those who do not join gangs. Gang members usually don’t get a good education, making it hard to find a good job.


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