What can a panelist do in GoToWebinar?

What can a panelist do in GoToWebinar?

A panelist is like a guest speaker of a webinar. They can present their screen if given Presenter rights by the organizer, share their webcams, and/or answer questions assigned to them during a session.

What is the difference between panelist and presenter in GoToWebinar?

Panelists can also be given the presenter controls at any time during the session and are able to speak on the conference call by default. Note that Panelists do not need to have GoToWebinar accounts to participate in web events. A presenter is the person who is sharing their screen with the audience.

Can panelist see questions in GoToWebinar?

The organizer is the only one who can view all questions, set priority, and assign them to other organizers or panelists. Panelists can only see the questions assigned to them.

What is the role of a panelist?

The primary role of the panelist is to prepare, share and present their paper. Paper presenters are required to circulate copies to discussants and other panelists in advance of the meetings, and at least two weeks (and no fewer five working days) before the commencement of the meetings.

Can a co organizer start a GoToWebinar?

Add a co-organizer before the webinar While you can make anyone a co-organizer of your webinar, only those who are members of the same GoToWebinar account will be able to start webinars on your behalf. To add a co-organizer in your GoToWebinar account, search for their name.

How do I add panelists to GoToWebinar?

Add a panelist before a session starts

  1. From the Dashboard, either schedule a new webinar or open an existing one.
  2. On the Events Details page, click + Panelists under the About section.
  3. Enter the person’s name and email address.
  4. To add another panelist, click the Plus icon.
  5. When you’re done, click Update.

How do you promote attendee to panelists?

Promoting an attendee to panelist

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Start a webinar as the host.
  3. Click Participants .
  4. Click the Attendees tab.
  5. Hover over the name of the attendee you want to promote and click More.
  6. Click Promote to panelist.

How do Panelists answer questions?

Other Tips for Panel Interview Success:

  1. Show up 10 minutes early.
  2. Learn everyone’s names and use them in the conversation.
  3. Prepare great questions to ask them.
  4. Make eye contact with everyone when giving an answer to a question, but focus slightly more on the person whose question you are answering.

What are the rules of panelist?

Here are some typical examples of ground rules for panelists to follow:

  • Be additive.
  • Not everyone needs to answer every question.
  • Keep your answers crisp and concise.
  • Keep it conversational.
  • One person talks at a time.
  • Generate light and not heat.
  • No shameless promotion.

What are the roles of moderator and panelist?

Moderators may introduce speakers, ask questions, and field questions from the audience. But their real job is to act on behalf of the audience—keeping the conversations on track, controlling long-winded panelists, getting clarification, and drawing out points of disagreement so that a true discussion is going on.

Can you have multiple presenters in GoToWebinar?

Add a panelist before a session starts You can add up to 24 panelists from the Event Details page. From the Dashboard, either schedule a new webinar or open an existing one.

What are the roles in GoToWebinar?

Citrix GoToWebinar identifies each participant in a web conferences with an assigned role status. The three roles are: Attendee, Panelist, and Organizer. Attendees watch the presentation and can’t make changes that affect other participants. Their microphones are muted by default.

What is a GoToWebinar organizer?

An organizer has a GoToWebinar account and manages and hosts sessions that attendees can then join. Organizers have control of all in-session features including starting, recording, and ending the webinar.

What is a panelist in webinar?

Panelist (part of the staff) A panelist is like a guest speaker of a webinar. They can present their screen if given Presenter rights by the organizer, share their webcams, and/or answer questions assigned to them during a session. Panelists can also be given the presenter controls at any time during the session and are able to speak on

Do attendees need an account with GoToWebinar to join a session?

Attendees do not need an account with GoToWebinar to join an organizer’s session. They do not have or need any login information and have very limited control once in session. By default, attendees can view the presenter’s screen but is initially muted (in listen-only mode) to minimize background noises that would detract from the presentation.


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