What Colour will my budgie be?

What Colour will my budgie be?

All budgies have a base color, either yellow or white. This is the color of the head, and the color in between the “stripes” on a budgie’s neck, leading down to its feathers. Yellow-based budgies will most commonly have bright green bodies, while white-based budgies will most commonly have bright blue bodies.

Is a rainbow Budgie rare?

Rainbow budgies are made of the blue mutation, the yellowface mutation, the opaline mutation, and the clearwing mutation. There is also the rainbow spangle budgie. Rainbow budgies aren’t rare because there’s a high demand for them.

What is a rare budgie?

Oddly, the mutations when they occur (with few exceptions) are recurrent. One such super rare mutation is what is known as the Feather Duster budgie. The budgie is found wild in the grasslands of Australia. They are naturally green and yellow with black in their wings.

Are Pink budgies real?

In the wild, Budgie Parakeets are green with yellow, with black stripes and markings, and dark blue-green-black flight and tail feathers. Captive breeding programs, however, have produced Budgies in almost every color of the rainbow, except red and pink.

What is the rarest color for a budgie?

Anthracite parakeets, a dark charcoal grey color, is one of the rarest colors for a parakeet. Other rare colors can be rainbow, clearwing, and lacewing parakeets. These rare colors are caused by genetic mutations, so a rare color can become more and more common over time.

Are there purple budgies?

Violet Budgie You can get blue and green budgies with the violet gene, but it’s most attractive with the blue Budgies. Sometimes, it can develop into very deep shades of violet coloration, known as visual violet.

Are purple Budgies real?

Purple or violet budgerigars are quite rare and difficult to produce. The personality, temperament, and care of a purple parakeet are the same as for all other colors of these birds.

Are Pink Budgies real?

What is the rarest color of budgie?

What is the original color of a green Budgie?

The budgie’s original variety is shown in the picture to the right. The original budgie variety is yellow-based with blue feather structure in the body feathers, resulting in the classic green coloration of the main body (yellow+blue=green). Observe the striping pattern on the head and wings, which are both the normal type.

What is a dilute – ‘Dil’ Budgie?

There is a gene which produces full strength body color and markings represented by the symbol ‘Dil’. It mutated to create a budgie with greatly diluted body color and markings, the variety called dilute – ‘dil’. The gene mutated another time and produced a bird with the body color and markings diluted by about 50%, the greywing – ‘dil gw ‘.

What color punnet square do budgies have?

Below are Punnet square examples of possible pairings. A yellow-based budgie results in the classic green variety. A white-based budgie results in the common blue variety. All budgies have a level of “dark factor” ranging from no dark factor, one dark factor, or two dark factors. Wild budgies have no dark factor.

What does it mean if a Budgie has a grey factor?

If a budgie has a grey factor, the color grey is added to the budgie’s original body color. The grey factor is very strong and overrides the underlying color. Normal yellow-based budgies with a grey factor will be a grey-green color.


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