What do you quench 80CrV2 in?

What do you quench 80CrV2 in?

Heat treating 80CrV2: heat to 830 C (1525 F) hold for 10 mins for “knife blade thickness” Quench in a fast quench oil (not Canola)

Can I quench 80CrV2 in canola oil?

Well-Known Member. I’ve successfully used Canola Oil for 80crv2 steel.

How hard can 80CrV2 get?

Vanadium is prized in knife-making because it produces very durable carbides at the molecular level of the cutting edge. Winkler attests that he can heat treat his 80CrV2 knives to an HRC of 60 without resulting brittleness or chipping.

Is 80CrV2 good for swords?

80CRV2 is a fantastic sword steel, combining incredible toughness and a higher carbon content for more hardness and edge retention. It also requires significantly more work than 1075 due to its resistance to straightening and abrasion once it has been hardened.

Can you get a Hamon on 80CrV2?

80CrV2 is similar in composition to 1080 steel with additions of chromium and vanadium. It is quite a tough steel with an easier heat treatment that can be completed at home. It also can be heat treated to produce a hamon!

Can you water quench 80CrV2?

80CrV2 is a popular blade steel in Finland, most all of the Lauri, Polar and Laurin and many of the Brisa carbon blades are made in just this steel. In small sections like for knife blades a fast oil quench is enough but for larger cross-sections this is a water-quenching steel.

Can you quench 80crv2 in water?

hold for 10 mins for “knife blade thickness” Quench in a fast quench oil (not Canola) Temper immediately at 204 C (400 F) for 2 hours, cool in water and temper for another 2 hours.

Where is 80CrV2 steel made?

It’s made in Germany and to pretty tight specs too. Not much variance in it at all. It’s a great quality steel that’s growing in popularity for good reason. Experimenting with heat treating and testing can yield some impressive results.

How do you heat treat carbon steel?

The short version:

  1. Heat the steel to non-magnetic any way you can (815 C / 1500 F)
  2. No hold time required, just get the entire blade to this temperature.
  3. QUICKLY quench in luke warm Canola oil (oil is 30-50 C / 86 F-122F)
  4. Sand the flats with some sand paper (just enough to get a few shiny sections)

What is the best steel to heat treat?

Most folks consider the plain carbon steels easiest to heat treat. Others recommend low alloy steels like O-1 or 5160. To get the most from the lowalloy steels, a soak is needed but without is good results can happen.

What type of steel is heat treatable?

About 80% of heat treated metals are different grades of steel. Ferrous metals that can be heat treated include cast iron, stainless steel and various grades of tool steel. Processes like hardening, annealing, normalising, stress relieving, case hardening, nitriding, and tempering are generally done on ferrous metals.

What is the heat treatment process of steel?

Types of Heat Treatment Annealing. Annealing is one of the most important processes of heat treatment. Normalizing. Normalizing: The main aim of normalizing is to remove the internal stresses developed after the cold working process. Hardening. Tempering. Nitriding. Cyaniding. Carburising. Case Hardening or Surface Hardening.

What is heat treatment in steel pipe industry?

The heat treatment processes for steel pipe includes normalizing, annealing, tempering, quenching and other process. Heating the steel pipe above the critical temperature, and cooled in the air. Through normalizing, the steel material stress could be relieved, improves ductility and toughness for the cold working process.

How to heat treat steel?

Annealing – Heating and then slowly cool steel to refine it and make it softer

  • Carburizing – Adding carbon to the surface with heat and carbon-rich substances
  • Case hardening – Carburizing and quickly cooling steel to keep the center soft while the rest hardens
  • Cyanide hardening – Like case hardening,but using molten cyanide salt for the hard case instead of carbon
  • Decarburization – Removing carbon from the steel alloy either with heat or oxidation
  • Nitriding – Adding nitrogen to the surface of steel with heat and nitrogen-rich liquid or gas
  • Drawing or Tempering – Reheating steel that has already been cooled to a specific temperature to remove hardness
  • Is heat treatment for metal a special process?

    It’s not a special process if your buisness is the heat treating of metal. And as has already been said, it depends. By the way, what does heat treating of metal have to do with shrimp, milk, cheese and other things?


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