What do you understand by demography?

What do you understand by demography?

Demography is the statistical study of human populations. Demographers use census data, surveys, and statistical models to analyze the size, movement, and structure of populations.

What are the determinants of population change in points?

Fertility, mortality and migration are principal determinants of population growth. Population change depends on the natural increase changes seen in birth rates and the change seen in migration. Changes in population size can be predicted based on changes in fertility (births), mortality (deaths) and migration rates.

Which are three main factors that cause population change?

The three main causes of population change

  • Births – usually measured using the birth rate (number of live births per 1,000 of the population per year).
  • Deaths – usually measured using the death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 of the population per year).
  • Migration – the movement of people in and out of an area.

What is total population change?

Population trends The change in total population over a period is equal to the number of births, minus the number of deaths, plus or minus the net amount of migration in a population. The number of births can be projected as the number of females at each relevant age multiplied by the assumed fertility rate.

What are the 7 characteristics of population?

The population has the following characteristics:

  • Population Size and Density:
  • Population dispersion or spatial distribution:
  • Age structure:
  • Natality (birth rate):
  • Mortality (death rate):
  • Vital index and survivorship curves:
  • Biotic Potential:
  • Life tables:

How do you measure population structure?

The method most frequently used to assess population structure is the calculation of FST, a summary statistic first introduced by Sewall Wright (1943a, 1965). Wright originally developed his F-statistics as inbreeding coefficients, defined as a correlation between uniting gametes.

What are the 3 determinants of population change?

Three primary factors account for population change, or how much a population is increasing or decreasing. These factors are birth rate, death rate, and migration.

What are population determinants?

The determinants are: 1. Fertility 2. Mortality 3. Life expectancy 4. Migration.


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