What does paradoxical chest movement indicate?

What does paradoxical chest movement indicate?

Paradoxical breathing is the term for a sign of respiratory distress associated with damage to the structures involved in breathing. Instead of moving out when taking a breath, the chest wall or the abdominal wall moves in. Often, the chest wall and the abdominal wall move in opposite directions with each breath.

Can COPD cause paradoxical breathing?

COPD patients with hyperinflation may show various abnormalities of chest wall motion, but the most common abnormality is the paradoxical inspiratory indrawing of the lateral rib cage (costal margin) popularly known as Hoover’s sign. [32,33] Normally, the costal margin moves very little during quiet respiration.

Can paradoxical breathing be fixed?

Most cases of paradoxical breathing can be resolved by treating the underlying condition.

What are paradoxical respirations?

Definition. Breathing movements in which the chest wall moves in on inspiration and out on expiration, in reverse of the normal movements. It may be seen in children with respiratory distress of any cause, which leads to indrawing of the intercostal spaces during inspiration.

When does paradoxical breathing occur?

During expiration — the technical term for exhaling air — the diaphragm moves up, pushing air out of the lungs and causing the chest to contract. Paradoxical breathing reverses this pattern, which means that during inspiration, the chest contracts, and during expiration, it expands.

Which is associated with paradoxical chest wall movement?

It occurs when a segment of the chest wall is destabilized when several adjacent ribs are fractured. The injured chest wall moves paradoxically—in during inspiration and out during expiration. Ventilation is inefficient because of the paradoxical movement. Flail chest is usually associated with a lung contusion.

What is tripod position in COPD?

Explain that the tripod position, in which the patient sits or stands leaning forward with the arms supported, forces the diaphragm down and forward and stabilizes the chest while reducing the work of breathing.

How do I stop paradoxical breathing?


  1. use of an oxygen mask or another oxygen delivery system.
  2. use of a tracheotomy, a breathing tube in the windpipe.
  3. medication for any underlying medical conditions.
  4. replacing lost electrolytes with intravenous (IV) fluids.
  5. repairing damage to the chest or diaphragm.

What is paradoxical situation?

You describe a situation as a paradox when it involves two or more facts or qualities which seem to contradict each other. The paradox of exercise is that while using a lot of energy it seems to generate more. Death itself is a paradox, the end yet the beginning.

Can asthma cause paradoxical breathing?

Breathing pattern disorders such as thoracic breathing, paradoxical breathing, excessive sighing and irregular breathing are commonly found in asthma patients as well as in individuals with medically unexplained dyspnoea and hyperventilation.

What causes paradoxical chest movement in flail chest?

The characteristic paradoxical motion of the flail segment occurs due to pressure changes associated with respiration that the rib cage normally resists: During normal inspiration, the diaphragm contracts and intercostal muscles pull the rib cage out.

What does paradoxical chest movement mean?

Paradoxical chest movement is when the normal chest movements of respiration are reversed, with the chest wall moving in during inspiration and out during expiration. Also known as paradoxical breathing, it is a sign that the patient is unable to move air properly.

What is paradoxical breathing?

Also known as paradoxical breathing, it is a sign that the patient is unable to move air properly. Paradoxical chest movement is most commonly seen as a result of a flail chest, which is when adjacent ribs are broken in more than one place, causing the injured segment of ribs to break away and move independently from the rest of the rib cage.

What is paradoxical motion of the rib cage in COPD?

Paradoxical motion of the rib cage is well recognized in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); most often this is seen in the lateral dimension (Hoover’s sign), but paradoxical indrawing of the lower sternum during inspiration has also been described.

What causes paradoxical breathing in patients with flail chest?

Many patients with flail chest also have associated internal injuries. Paradoxical breathing in the case of a flail chest is the description given to the movement of the flail segment as the patient inhales and exhales. The flail segment is free-floating, which causes it to suck in when the patient inhales and bulge out when the patient exhales.


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