What does RR zone mean?

What does RR zone mean?

Rural Residential
These parcels are proposed to have a change in zoning from LDR (Low Density Residential) to RR (Rural Residential). The RR General Plan designation and zone is recommended for most parcels in this area that are 1-acre or more in size, due to their rural nature and lack of services.

What is Zone 1r?

R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) Zoning District. The R-1 zoning district is intended to provide for areas appropriate for a range of detached single-family residential dwelling units, each located on a single legal lot, and does not include condominiums or cooperative housing.

What is Zone MDR?

Medium Density Residential (MDR). The purpose of the MDR zone is to allow for a mixture of housing types in a medium density setting. Permitted housing types in the MDR zones include single- Page 3 RESIDENTIAL ZONES 24-19 35 family homes, duplex homes, and second units.

What does RR 2.5 mean?

rural residential
The R-R-2.5 district is intended to apply to all lands designated in the General Plan as “rural residential.” This zoning classification is designed to provide areas for large-lot residential living and minor agricultural activities and is intended to achieve the following purposes: A.

What is R1 zoning Ontario?

The R1 (Single Family Residential) zoning district accommodates single family dwellings typically within subdivisions at densities in the range of one (1) to 5 dwellings per acre, along with accessory uses and limited compatible uses.

What does Zone A2 mean?

Agriculture, Limited
A2 (Agriculture, Limited) District. The A2 zoning district identifies areas suitable for commercial agricultural operations, and similar and compatible uses. The A2 zoning district is consistent with the Agriculture 3 land use category and several residential land use categories of the Marin Countywide Plan.

What does Zone C1 mean?

PURPOSE. C1 (Neighborhood Commercial) Zone permits neighborhood commercial activities and small-scale freestanding businesses. DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS. Minimum lot size: N/A Minimum lot width: 40 feet Minimum lot depth: 70 feet Setbacks Principal Building: 1.

What is density zoning?

Simply put, density zoning places limitations on property development by controlling the number of structures in a given area to control population density. In a metropolitan area, one density zoning limitation may be for 4-6 residences in an acre, while in smaller towns, 2 residences per acre maximum.

What does MDR stand for in real estate?


What is zoning a 35 in Colorado?

A-35, Agricultural District The A-35 zoning district is a 35 acre district primarily intended to accommodate rural communities and lifestyles, including the conservation of farming, ranching and agricultural resources.

What is RR3 zoning Kelowna?

The purpose of the Rural Residential (RR) zones are to designate land for rural residential development, and secondary complementary uses, on larger lots in areas of high natural amenities and limited urban services. These include RR1, RR2, and RR3 based on lot size and servicing.

What is R3 zoning in Ontario?

The R3 (High Density Residential) zoning district is established accommodate for the development of higher density multiple family dwellings, including apartments, townhouses and condominiums at densities ranging from 16.1 to 25 dwellings per acre with amenities and open spaces.


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