What does the acronym Afaik stand for?

What does the acronym Afaik stand for?

As far as I know
ARCHIVED: What do BTW, FAQ, FYI, IMHO, RTFM, and other acronyms mean?

AFAIC As far as I’m concerned
AFAIK As far as I know
AFK Away from keyboard
BRB Be right back
BTDT Been there, done that

What does afaik mean in social media?

Common Text Terms, Internet Abbreviations, and Chat Acronyms

Word Meaning
AFAIK As far as I know
AFK Away from keyboard
BC (B/C) Because
BFF Best friends forever

What are the common acronyms used online?

Here is a selection of the most popular and widely used internet abbreviations in 2021:

  • LOL: Laughing out loud.
  • ASAP: As soon as possible.
  • FYI: For your information.
  • G2G: Got to go.
  • FB: Facebook.
  • MSG: Message.
  • TTYL: Talk to you later.
  • IMO: In my opinion.

What is Afaik computer?

“As Far As I Know” When used on the internet, such as in text messages or on social media, AFAIK takes on the same meaning.

What do you call internet users?

The term netizen is a portmanteau of the English words internet and citizen, as in a “citizen of the net” or “net citizen”. It describes a person actively involved in online communities or the Internet in general.

What does BWT mean on snap?

“By the Way” is the most common definition for BTW on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

What does AFAIK mean on Reddit?

Internet Acronyms List. This list of these acronyms could be found on Reddit: AFAIK means “As far as I know”. AMA means “Ask me anything”. CMV means “Change my view”. DAE means “Does anybody else” or “Does anyone else”. ELI5 means “Explain like I’m 5 (years old)”. FTFY means “Fixed that for you”.

What does AFAIK mean in a sentence?

AFAIK can also be interchangeably used with the initialism IIRC, which means “if I recall correctly” or “if I remember correctly.” Both are generally used to connote that the writer or speaker is saying something that is likely correct, but that they’re not entirely sure about.

What are some examples of acronyms?

Acronyms themselves have evolved. Here are a few popular ones, visualized as a reminder of what they mean literally. This list of these acronyms could be found on Reddit: [Serious] means “Serious responses only” (commonly used in /r/askreddit and other subreddits now


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