What does the number 211 do?

What does the number 211 do?

Dialing 211 helps direct callers to services for, among others, the elderly, the disabled, those who do not speak English, those with a personal crisis, those with limited reading skills, and those who are new to their communities. 211 covers all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

What organization will you reach by dialing 211?

The 211 network in the United States responds to more than 20 million requests for help every year. Most calls, web chats, and text messages are from people looking for help meeting basic needs like housing, food, transportation, and health care. 211 can be accessed by phone or computer, at 211.org.

Does North Carolina have 211?

North Carolinians can find help by dialing 2-1-1 (or 1-888-892-1162) or by visiting nc211.org. …

What is 211 used for in California?

2‑1‑1 is a free telephone number providing access to local community services. 2‑1‑1 is available in multiple languages, allowing those in need to access information and obtain referrals to physical and mental health resources; housing, utility, food, and employment assistance; and suicide and crisis interventions.

Is 211 only in California?

211 serves people of all income levels, languages and cultural backgrounds and is available to 96% of Californians and to 85% of U.S. households. In fact, California United Ways operate and/or provide major funding for 2-1-1 programs throughout the state.

How do I dial 211 in California?

accept long distance calls). To reach 211 Contra Costa County from outside the area call 800-830-5380. Prevention Lifeline)….

Person at the resource who last verified this information:
Last Verified By: 211

How do I contact 211 in California?

To reach 211 Contra Costa County from outside the area call 800-830-5380. Prevention Lifeline)….

Person at the resource who last verified this information:
Last Verified By: 211

Where can 211 help you?

Our 211 serves residents of Marathon, Portage, Lincoln, Brown, Door County, Kewaunee, Oneida & Vilas Counties. Our 211 program is nationally accredited by the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS). 211 can help you find information or services for a variety of needs.

What is 211 Maryland?

211 Maryland is our go-to resource and a great partner for our work with Maryland residents. The Covid pandemic has made 211 Maryland an essential service provider for our organization’s provision of up-to-date and accurate information on local resources to aid our residents in their daily life.

How do I contact 211 Maine?

Certain issues are hard to navigate. You’re not alone. 211 Maine can help. Connect with Maine specialists at 211 Maine via phone, text, or email. You can always reach one of our trained professionals by phone, text or email.

What is unitedunited way’s 211?

United Way’s 211 is a free, confidential information & referral service – available 24/7 for your health and human service needs. Our 211 serves residents of Marathon, Portage, Lincoln, Brown, Door County, Kewaunee, Oneida & Vilas Counties. Our 211 program is nationally accredited by the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS).


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