What does Zhuangzi mean?

What does Zhuangzi mean?

The Zhuangzi 莊子 “Master Zhuang” is one of the two basic writings of Daoist philosophy from the Warring States period 戰國 (5th cent.-221 BCE). The other is the book Laozi 老子 or Daodejing 道德經.

Who wrote the book Nanhua zhengjing?

During the Tang period 唐 (618-907) the philosopher Zhuangzi was deified and the book attributed to him was given the official title of Nanhua zhengjing 南華真經 “Perfect classic of the Southern Flower”.

Did Zhuang Zhou write Dao Zhi 盗跖?

The Song period 宋 (960-1279) writer and thinker Su Shi 蘇軾 was the first who systematically analyzed the probability of Zhuang Zhou’s authorship and came to the conclusion that the chapters Dao Zhi 盗跖, Yufu 漁父, Rangwang 讓王 and Yuejian 說劍 were definitely not written by the philosopher Zhuangzi.

What are Zhuang Zhou’s thoughts on Qiushui?

In the beginnings, it had no dimension ( wuji 無機), but as an element encompassing all objects, it is also the boundless dimension ( taiji 太極). Relativism and constant change. Of the Outer Chapters, the Qiushui 秋水 “Autumn floods” is that part which represents Zhuang Zhou’s thoughts best.


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