What formula does WIC do?

What formula does WIC do?

For women who do not fully breastfeed, WIC provides iron-fortified infant formula. Special infant formulas and medical foods may be provided when prescribed by a physician for a specified medical condition.

How many cans of formula does WIC provide in Alabama?

INFANT FORMULA Powder 20 Cans Must supply upon request.

Does Alabama WIC cover Similac pro advance?

Formulas for Medical Conditions WIC may be able to assist the family with one of the following formulas: WIC programs do not provide Similac Advance, Similac Soy Isomil, Similac Sensitive, or Nestle’s Good Start.

Does WIC cover off brand formula?

COVID-19 Information for WIC Families Can Buy | Must buy the brand, type, size, and number of cans printed on the check or included in your WIC Food Balance. Primary Contract Brand Milk-Based Infant Formula. Product label changes for infant formula do not affect product authorization.

What Similac formula does WIC cover?

Similac Advance and Isomil Soy will be the primary WIC milk-based and soy-based formulas replacing Gerber Good Start Gentle and Gerber Good Start Soy. Similac Sensitive for Fuss & Gas, Similac Total Comfort and Similac for Spit up will be available to families without a prescription replacing Gerber Good Start Soothe.

How do I ask for WIC formula?

Tips For Finding WIC Authorized Formula

  1. Call before you shop to ask if the store has the formula you need.
  2. Call your WIC office and ask for help locating a store with a supply.
  3. Call your doctor’s office and ask if they have any samples from the formula company.
  4. Call 211 to get the names of food banks in your area.

How many cans of Enfamil does WIC give?

Checks with 12.4 oz OR 12 oz: The new description allows participants to purchase Enfamil Gentlease powder in 12 oz cans or 12.4 oz cans. The quantity printed on the WIC check is based on the new size. For example, if the WIC vendor has only 12 oz cans, a participant (3 month old; non-breastfeeding) will get 9 cans.

What does Alabama WIC provide?

WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children. It also provides nutrition information on healthy foods for you and your family. Pregnant women and children ages one to five years old may receive milk, eggs, cheese, juice, cereal, dried beans and peas, or peanut butter.

What foods can you eat on WIC in Alabama?

Alabama WIC Approved Foods. 1 Infant formula. 2 Exempt infant formula. 3 Milks. 4 Cheese. 5 Fruit and vegetable juices. 6 Shell eggs. 7 Canned/frozen fruits and vegetables. 8 Whole wheat bread. 9 Canned fish. 10 Peanut butter.

How do I Find my Local WIC clinic in Alabama?

To find your local clinic or to learn more about the WIC program, download our free “Alabama WIC” app in your app store, call 1-888-942-4673 or e-mail [email protected]. If you’re due to pick up benefits, check your card balance first.

What are the federal requirements for WIC-eligible foods?

The following list provides the Federal requirements for WIC-eligible foods. The AL WIC program is required to authorize container sizes that provide the full maximum monthly allowance of foods without exceeding the maximum. Click a food category below to view the types and requirements for that food category.

Where can I find a copy of my WIC plan?

The plan is available for download below, or a hard copy may be reviewed at the State WIC Program Office, Alabama Department of Public Health, RSA Tower, Suite 1300, 201 Monroe Street, Montgomery, AL 36104.


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