What is a beta geo cassette?

What is a beta geo cassette?

A β-geo cassette (a fusion of the β-galactosidase and neomycin resistance genes) was inserted by homologous recombination into mouse Fbx15, a gene that is specifically expressed in mouse ES cells, to select for reprogramming events that activate the Fbx15 locus.

What is a gene trap cassette?

When inserted into an intron of an expressed gene, the gene trap cassette is transcribed from the endogenous promoter of that gene in the form of a fusion transcript in which the exon(s) upstream of the insertion site is spliced in frame to the reporter/selectable marker gene.

How do gene traps work?

What is gene trapping? Gene trapping is a high-throughput approach used to introduce genome-wide insertional mutations. Gene trap experiments in embryonic stem (ES) cells produce mutant cell lines in which integration into a putative gene is selected by expression of a selection gene in ES cells.

Why did Yamanaka use Fbx15?

4.1 The Yamanaka factors & IPSCs Fbx15 was used since its expression is correlated with pluripotency in the mouse system; although, it is not explicitly necessary for the pluripotent state.

Is Trap growth genetic?

This condition is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, which means one copy of the altered gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder. However, some people who inherit the altered gene never develop features of TRAPS.

What are STO feeder cells?

STO feeder cells, a line established from mouse SIM embryonic fibroblasts, have been frequently used for establishing embryonic stem cells and maintaining them in an undifferentiated state.

Is element a genetic?

The IS elements are not known to encode genes that are translated into proteins, though in the case of IS1 the known DNA sequence does not exclude the possibility of the translation into a (few) peptide (s) of limited size. The length of the IS elements precludes the formation of large proteins.


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