What is CALINE4?
What is CALINE4?
CALINE 4-A DISPERSION MODEL FOR PREDICTIONG AIR POLLUTANT CONCENTRATIONS NEAR ROADWAYS. A description of the California Line Source Dispersion Model, CALINE4, is given. The model uses traffic emissions, site geometry and meteorology to predict air pollutant concentrations near roadways.
What is Gaussian dispersion model?
Gaussian models for dispersion assume that pollutant dispersion follows normal statistical distribution. Gaussian models are typically used for modeling dispersion from buoyant air pollution plumes.
What is the aerscreen model?
AERSCREEN is EPA’s recommended screening-level air quality model based on AERMOD (U.S. EPA, 2021a). The AERSCREEN model consists of two main components: 1) the MAKEMET program which generates a site-specific matrix of meteorological conditions for input to the AERMOD model; and 2) the AERSCREEN command-prompt interface program.
What is the EPA document number for aerscreen?
This document provides a description of AERSCREEN, the screening version of AERMOD. Included in the document are descriptions of inputs, processing methodology in AERSCREEN, and outputs. This document represents a revision to the previous AERSCREEN User’s Guide, EPA document number EPA-454/B-16-004. iii Acknowledgements
What are the system requirements to use aerscreen?
Please note that before using AERSCREEN, users must have the latest AERMOD executable (09292 or later) as well as the AERMAP terrain preprocessor and BPIPPRM executables. These programs can be downloaded from the AERMOD Modeling System section. Clarification on AERSCREEN as Recommended Screening Model (PDF) (3 pp, 268 KB, 04-11-2011)
How does aerscreen work with makemet and aermap?
AERSCREEN interfaces with MAKEMET for generating the meteorological matrix, but also interfaces with AERMAP (U.S. EPA, 2016b) and BPIPPRM (Schulman et al. 2000; U.S. EPA, 2004) to automate the processing of terrain and building information respectively, and interfaces with the AERMOD model utilizing the SCREEN option to perform the modeling runs.