What is irony and how is it used?

What is irony and how is it used?

[T]echnically, irony is a rhetorical device used to convey a meaning sharply different from or even opposite of the literal text. It’s not just saying one thing while meaning another–that’s what Bill Clinton does. No, it’s more like a wink or running joke among people in the know.

What is the meaning of cosmic irony?

The word irony refers to the limits of human meaning; we do not see the effects of what we do, the outcomes of our actions, or the forces that exceed our choices. Such irony is cosmic irony, or the irony of fate.

What is the meaning of tragic irony?

2 : a situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected It was a tragic irony that he made himself sick by worrying so much about his health. The (awful/bitter) irony is that in trying to forget her, he thought of her even more. See More Examples

What is the meaning of ironicc?

c : an ironic expression or utterance. 2a(1) : incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result. (2) : an event or result marked by such incongruity.

What are the three dimensions of irony?

Irony can refer to (1) individual figures of speech (ironia verbi); (2) particular ways of interpreting life (ironia vitae); and (3) existence in its entirety (ironia entis). The three dimensions of irony–trope, figure, and universal paradigm–can be understood as rhetorical, existential, and ontological.

What is the difference between irony and sarcasm?

Irony must not be confused with sarcasm, which is direct: Sarcasm means precisely what it says, but in a sharp, bitter, cutting, caustic, or acerb manner; it is the instrument of indignation, a weapon of offense, whereas irony is one of the vehicles of wit.


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