What is look ahead algorithm?

What is look ahead algorithm?

In backtracking algorithms, look ahead is the generic term for a subprocedure that attempts to foresee the effects of choosing a branching variable to evaluate one of its values. The two main aims of look-ahead are to choose a variable to evaluate next and the order of values to assign to it.

What is degree heuristic?

Degree heuristic: assign a value to the variable that is involved in the largest number of constraints on other unassigned variables. Least-constraining value heuristic: choose a value that rules out the smallest number of values in variables connected to the current variable by constraints.

Which algorithm is used to solve any kind of problem?

Which algorithm is used to solve any kind of problem? Explanation: Tree algorithm is used because specific variants of the algorithm embed different strategies.

What is K consistency?

K-consistency (Path Consistency) A graph is K-consistent if the following is true: Choose values of any K-1 variables that satisfy all the constraints among these variables and choose any Kth variable. Then there exists a value for this Kth variable that satisfies all the constraints among these K variables.

What is constraint graph in artificial intelligence?

In constraint satisfaction research in artificial intelligence and operations research, constraint graphs and hypergraphs are used to represent relations among constraints in a constraint satisfaction problem. A constraint graph is a special case of a factor graph, which allows for the existence of free variables.

What is variable and domain in CSP?

CSP Definition. • CSP = {V, D, C} • Variables: V = {V1,..,VN} – Example: The values of the nodes in the graph. • Domain: The set of d values that each variable can take.

What are variables in CSP?

A variable in a CSP is arc-consistent if every value in its domain satisfies the variable’s binary constraints. Xi is arc-consistent with respect to another variable Xj if for every value in the current domain Di there is some value in the domain Dj that satisfies the binary constraint on the arc (Xi, Xj).

Which search strategy is also called a blind search?

Uninformed search, also called blind search or unguided search, is a class of general purpose search algorithms that operate in a brute-force way. The term ‘uninformed’means that they have no additional information about states beyond that provides in the problem definition.

Which search method takes more memory?

Explanation: Depth-First Search takes less memory since only the nodes on the current path are stored, but in Breadth First Search, all of the tree that has generated must be stored.


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