What is mla-30 antenna?
What is mla-30 antenna?
Recently Chinese manufacturers have begun producing a low cost wide band (100 kHz – 30 MHz) magnetic loop HF antenna known as the MLA-30. The loop can be found on eBay for under US$45 with free shipping.
Does the mla-30 have a lower SNR than the comparison loop?
His results show that while the loop is capable of receiving the same signals that the two comparison loops can, the SNR is much lower. He also notes that the much thinner loop wire used on the MLA-30 seems to result in a much deeper null, and that IMD was a problem for him.
Does the mla-30 perform as well as a Wellbrook loop?
He notes that his initial testing shows that the MLA-30 performs as well as the W6LVP loop. In this YouTube video Matthew compares his MLA-30 against a 80M end fed halfwave antenna with an SDRplay RSP1a. In this video the Scanner and Sdr Radio YouTube channel uses an RSPduo to compare the MLA-30 against a Wellbrook loop.
How does the mla-30 compare to the w6lvp and ala1530ln?
In this review John compares the MLA-30 against a $345 W6LVP and Wellbrook ALA1530LN. His findings are very favorable concluding that it is an adequate performer, perfect for cash strapped SWLs. This is a YouTube video where OfficialSWLchannel compares his MLA-30 against a W6LVP loop.