What is suspended growth process?

What is suspended growth process?

Wastewater treatment processes in which the microorganisms and bacteria treating the wastes are suspended in the wastewater being treated. The wastes flow around and through the suspended growths. The various modes of the activated sludge process make use of suspended growth reactors.

How do you differentiate between suspended growth and attached growth biological treatment?

The suspended growth as in conventional activated sludge is a nominal process applied as a biological treatment in a water treatment plant. On the other hand, attached growth processes can be obtained by combining biofilm carriers and activated sludge in one treatment step.

Which one is a aerobic suspended growth process?

Aerobic suspended growth treatment processes include activated sludge processes, sequencing batch reactors (SBR), and aerated lagoons. Owing to the characteristics of the wastewater, the contact time between the organic wastes and the microorganisms must be higher than that for domestic wastewater.

Which of the following is an example of suspended growth system?

Waste stabilization ponds, aerated lagoons, and activated sludge are examples of the treatment options that rely on the actions of the microorganisms growing in a suspension of the wastewater under treatment.

How do trickling filters work?

A trickling filter uses filtration, adsorption, and assimilation for removal of contaminants from wastewater. Wastewater should flow in a thin film over the media to allow time for treatment. The media serves as a substrate where a biological film grows and is fed by the nutrients contained in the wastewater.

What is an example of suspended growth process?

What is a suspended growth biological treatment?

Suspended growth treatment processes are biological processes used for the secondary treatment of wastewater in which microorganisms responsible for the conversion of organic matter are maintained in liquid suspension. The suspended growth process may be aerobic, anoxic, or anaerobic.

What is wastewater Lagoon?

A sewage lagoon is a large pond into which the sewage or effluent from the sewage system flows. Sewage lagoons are also called effluent ponds. The sewage and effluent are broken down by germs in the lagoon. The sun and wind play an important role in the working of the lagoon.

What are the types of trickling filters?


  • 1 Low Rate Trickling Filter (LRTF)
  • 2 High Rate Trickling Filter (HRTF)
  • 3 Roughing Filter.
  • 4 Two-Stage Trickling Filters.

What are suspended growth treatment systems?

Suspended growth treatment systems freely suspend microorganisms in water. They use biological treatment processes in which microorganisms are maintained in suspension within the liquid. In suspended growth treatment systems, microorganisms convert the organic matter or other constituents in the wastewater into gases and cell tissue.

What is the difference between attached-growth and suspended-growth systems?

Denn further states (and multiple scholarly sources confirm) that attached-growth systems generally require less energy, simpler operation, and less equipment maintenance than suspended-growth systems because there is less technology involved.

How does biological sludge production work?

As already discussed, biological sludge production relies on two factors: biomass production when synthesis reactions take place; consumption of a proportion of this biomass when endogenous respiration reactions take place.


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