What is the hardest cheer stunt ever?

What is the hardest cheer stunt ever?

  • Basket Toss. The basket toss is considered an advanced cheerleading stunt and is often one of the first advanced cheerleading stunts mastered by a squad.
  • 2:2:1 Pyramids. 2:2:1 pyramids are pyramids that are essentially three stories high.
  • Advanced Loads.
  • Advanced Tricks.
  • Advanced Dismounts.

What are basic cheer stunts?

Easy Cheerleading Stunts: Some of the most basic cheerleading stunts include a shoulder sit, L stand and thigh stand. Basket Toss: The basket toss is a basic, but slightly more advanced stunt that is used to build into difficult stunts, such as the double basket toss tuck.

What are the 3 types of stunts?

  • Climbing Stunts. Climbing stunts can be identified when a top girl or flyer, starts with one foot in the stunt.
  • Weight Transfer Stunts. Weight transfer stunts are identified when there is hand to hand contact.
  • Timing Stunts.

What are the 4 types of stunts?

Types of Gymnastics Stunts

  • Beam Stunts. A routine on the balance beam begins with a mount, which can incorporate a running flip for more advanced gymnasts.
  • Floor Stunts.
  • Vault Stunts.
  • Bar Stunts.

Is being a flyer or base harder?

MYTH: Being a flyer is less work than being a base. TRUTH: Although bases have the strenuous job of lifting, catching and keeping their flyer safe, the flyer position also takes an abundant amount of physical effort. Flyers must practice over and over how to stand solidly with their leg locked.

Who is the tallest cheerleader in the world?

dancer Courtney Kenihan
Celtics dancer Courtney Kenihan stands head and shoulders above the rest, holding the NBA record for tallest cheerleader.

What are cheer stunts called?

Stunting in cheerleading has been previously referred to as building pyramids. Stunts range from basic two-legged stunts, to one-legged extended stunts, and high flying basket tosses. Each of the seven levels increases in difficulty of stunts. There are two recognized styles of stunting: coed and all-girl.

What are Level 1 cheer skills?


  • What is a top girl in cheer?

    As it plays, the camera, in slow motion, follows a series of “top girls,” the tiny, flexible cheerleaders who are catapulted and balanced in the air during stunts. In cheerleading, as in gymnastics, the upper difficulty level is being pushed higher at a thrilling and alarming rate.

    What are dual stunts?

    Dual stunts, also called partner stunts, are a gymnastic related activity that requires two people, and they are commonly used in dance, acrobatics and cheerleading routines. Partner stunts should be learned in a progression of easy to hard rather than learning individual stunts for a certain routine.

    What are the examples of stunts?

    Examples of practical effects include tripping and falling down, high jumps, extreme sporting moves, acrobatics and high diving, spins, gainer falls, “suicide backflips,” and other martial arts stunts.


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