What is the message of The Darkling Thrush?

What is the message of The Darkling Thrush?

The primary theme of “The Darkling Thrush” is the despair of the modern temperament. Hardy describes in lyrical, descriptive detail the dying of the old world, but he cannot positively replace the dying with the new. Something is over, all is changed, civilization has decayed, and he does not know what will replace it.

What does the thrush symbolize in The Darkling Thrush?

The thrush’s sudden appearance changes the speaker’s outlook. This bird may look beat-up and a little decrepit, but the bird pours his heart out in song, uncaring of the surrounding gloom. The thrush symbolizes unlooked-for optimism and a reason to carry on even through dark, uncertain times.

What is the main conflict in the poem The Darkling Thrush?

the main conflict of the poem the darkling thrush is that of it”s the very end of the day. In fact, it’s the very end of the year. The countryside is frozen into an icy, unwelcoming landscape.

Do you like the poem Darkling thrush?

Yes, I like this poem. The uncertainty found in the poem is what makes ‘The Darkling Thrush’ not just an incredible Thomas Hardy ballad to peruse yet, in addition, an extraordinary bit of verse to break down. In contrast to the thrush’s caroling, Hardy’s ballad does not sound an unequivocally positive note.

What is the conclusion of the Darkling Thrush?

The speaker thus concludes that the thrush knows something the speaker doesn’t: “Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew / And I was unaware.” In its brilliant, inexplicable hopefulness, the thrush forces the speaker to recognize the existence of emotions beyond despair and isolation.

How is the theme of hope presented in the poem The Darkling Thrush?

The thrush becomes something of a martyr, who died to give the speaker and others like him a glimpse of hope to sustain them through the winter. The speaker seems to take inspiration from the thrush, who sang its soul out and died with hope in its heart rather than giving in and quietly dying, as it might have done.

What does the word darkling means in The Darkling Thrush?

‘Darkling’ means ‘of the darkness’. When the word ‘darkling’ is used as an adjective for the thrush, it’s a complete antithesis (contrast). In the poem the darkness or the dying of light is representative of the death of a century, and the despair it brings. So, the thrush is a symbol of faith and hope.

What is the irony in the poem The Darkling Thrush?

The irony throughout the poem lies in the fact that the thrush is hopeful for no reason. The speaker realizes that there is no reason for the thrush to be joyful in the desolate environment and does not share the same feelings as the bird.

What makes the sight from the coppice gate so depressing in The Darkling Thrush?

The view from the coppice gate is so depressing because it is a dreary winter day in the late afternoon (the speaker refers to this time as the “weakening eye of day”) as the sun is beginning to go down. Everything looks gray and desolate. It is cold, and the frost covering the landscape is a ghostly “spectre” gray.

Why is Hardy struck by the song of the thrush?

Hardy suddenly realises the song of the thrush in the falling darkness represents hope. The poet is in a pleasantly sad mood as he leans alone on the gate watching the century fade into darkness. But he clings on to the sad mood. Hardy becomes aware for the first time that evening of a new hope of things to come.

What are Bine stems?

The definition of bine is a flexible climbing stem of a plant. The flexible twining or climbing stem of certain plants, such as the hop, woodbine, or bindweed.

Why does the poet feel happy in the end?

Answer: In the end of the poem the poet feels relaxed and thankful to the nature for saving his day from being wasted.

What is the mood in the Darkling Thrush?

The Darkling Thrush is thus finely balanced . It suggests there may be hope , and the very sound of the thrush and its defiance of the prevailing moods shows at the very least the existence of a tragic hope; life maybe threatened, its physical existence at risk, but its spirit is indomitable and cannot be crushed.

What is the Darkling Thrush about?

The primary theme of “The Darkling Thrush” is the despair of the modern temperament. Hardy describes in lyrical, descriptive detail the dying of the old world, but he cannot positively replace the dying with the new. Something is over, all is changed, civilization has decayed, and he does not know what will replace it.

How does “the Darkling Thrush”?

In the poem ” The Darkling Thrush ” by Thomas Hardy, the poet creates feelings of sadness in several ways, including the season, the time of day, the weather, the setting, the imagery, specific word choices, and the implication of the last lines of the poem. Hardy sets his poem in winter, which is a time of cold and darkness.


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