What is the theme of El Otro?

What is the theme of El Otro?

The themes of human existence, time, and memory are the main themes of “El otro” and are interwoven throughout the text so as to provide the basis for the author’s philosophical beliefs with regard to the problematics of the individual’s reality.

What were the main topics in Jorge Luis Borges literature?

The major contributions that Borges made to Latino narrative through his stories lie, first, in his use of imagination, second, in his focus on universal themes common to all human beings, and third, in the intellectual aspect of his works.

What is the theme of the Book of Sand by Jorge Luis Borges?

In The Book of Sand by Jorge Luis Borges we have the theme of curiosity, confusion, addiction, conflict, torment and obsession.

Where does the story El Otro take place?

Cambridge, Massachusetts
Plot summary A meeting between an older Borges and a younger Borges occurs in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Who is the narrator in El Otro?

The narrator is Borges, as his older self, and “el otro” is the younger Borges.

What is Jorge Luis Borges known for?

Jorge Luis Borges most famous works include Universal History of Infamy (1935), Ficciones (1944), The Aleph (1949), and The Book of Sand (1975). All of them deal with fictional places and toy with the idea of infinity and mythical creatures that immerse the reader in magical worlds.

What makes Borges unique?

Another unique trait of Borges’ is his unmatched ability to capture his reader’s attention by the use of description. His sentences are full of words that build a wall of pictures in the mind of the reader. An example of this ability is in the story entitled “The Form of the Sword.”

What is the meaning of the Book of Sand?

The book of sand can represent life. it is able to represent life because there are endless amount of opportunities and there are no limitations, but when you try to find the answer to life or put a limitation on something, we will fail because we are saying that we can only make it to one place and that’s it.

What was the effect of the Book of Sand to the character?

While the narrator’s books provide him with an outlook on the relationship between humans, God, and their world, the Book of Sand destroys these ideas and renders them insignificant by forcing the narrator to acknowledge how inconsequential humanity is in the universe.

¿Quién se llama Jorge Luis Borges?

Usted se llama Jorge Luis Borges. Yo también soy Jorge Luis Borges. Estamos en 1969, en la ciudad de Cambridge. – No- me respondió con mi propia voz un poco lejana. Al cabo de un tiempo insistió: -Yo estoy aquí en ginebra, en un banco, a unos pasos del Ródamo.

¿En qué consiste el juego de Borges en el otro?

Sin embargo, el juego de Borges en “El otro” consiste en crear repetidamente en el lector la expectativa de que podrá dar una explicación lógica de lo sobrenatural: entender que el encuentro ha sido simplemente un sueño o una ficción que ha permitido al escritor reencontrarse consigo mismo. Pero una y otra vez el narrador se lo impide.

¿Cuándo llegaron los Borges a Suiza?

En la vida real, “los Borges llegaron a Suiza en 1914 y se quedaron hasta 1919. Su padre murió el 24 de febrero de 1938”**, (Costa, 2011, p. 76) concuerda exactamente con la fecha en que está narrando la historia, por tanto, se trata de una historia de ficción, que está estrechamente ligada a su vida y su pensamiento.


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