What is the youth unemployment rate in the UK?

What is the youth unemployment rate in the UK?

The unemployment rate (the proportion of the economically active population who are unemployed) for 16-24 year olds was 11.3% in August-October 2021. This is down from 12.9% in the previous quarter and down from 14.8% a year before.

What is the rate of unemployment in London?

Calculation of headline employment rate: number of employed people aged from 16 to 64 years divided by the population aged from 16 to 64 years….Download this table.

Employment rate¹ (%) aged 16 to 64 years 74.9
Change on June to August 2020 -0.9
Unemployment rate² (%) aged 16 years and over 5.8

Why is youth unemployment so high in the UK?

In the UK, youth unemployment has averaged higher than the main unemployment rate. This is is a similar situation to the US and European economies. Lack of qualifications. However, the nature of the labour market is that many young people lack the necessary skills and training to impress employers.

Is youth unemployment a problem in UK?

The youth unemployment landscape in the UK remains a growing problem for UK employers, educators and our young people. Unemployment while young is linked to long-term reductions in wages, increased chances of subsequent periods of unemployment, and poorer health outcomes.

Why are youth unemployed more?

Causes. There are multiple and complex causes behind youth unemployment. Among them, the quality and relevance of education, inflexible labour market and regulations, which in turn create a situation of assistance and dependency, are the main causes discussed today.

How many 15 24 year olds are there in the UK?

Population of England in 2020, by age group

Characteristic Estimated mid-year population
15-19 3,115,871
20-24 3,472,522
25-29 3,771,493
30-34 3,824,652

Why is there high unemployment in London?

The notable surge in 2020/21 is likely a result of the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, which appears to have been sharper in London, particularly in Inner London, where the rate has risen by 35%, or 1.6 percentage points, than in England where it rose by 26% or 1 percentage point when compared to 2019/20.

What are the four reasons for youth unemployment?

Youth unemployment causes

  • Financial crisis.
  • Skills mismatch.
  • Lack of entrepreneurship and lifeskills education.
  • Lack of access to capital.
  • A digital divide.

What is a high youth unemployment rate?

During the period in question, youth unemployment ranged from a high of 12.5 percent in December 2020, to a low of 8.6 percent in November 2021. Additionally, as of October 2021, Nevada and California were tied for the highest state unemployment rate of all U.S. states, at 7.3 percent unemployment.

What is the youth unemployment rate in the UK 2020?

Youth claimant count. In July 2020, 537,700 people aged 16-24 claimed unemployment related benefits. This was an increase of 296,000 claimants from March 2020, when the UK lockdown began. This represents an increase of 122%. Youth Unemployment across Europe. The UK youth unemployment rate was 11.6%, compared to 15.0% for the European Union.

Which borough has the highest unemployment rate in London?

Unemployment rate is the proportion of the working age economically active population. In 2019, the borough with the highest unemployment rate was Tower Hamlets at 7.7%, whilst unemployment in Richmond upon Thames was 3.4%, the lowest in London.

What is the current unemployment rate for young people?

1 The number of young people in employment has fallen by 310,000, an 8% fall. 2 Unemployment for young people has increased by 13,000, a 2% increase. 3 The unemployment rate has increased to 13.3% from 12.1%. This increased to 14.6% in July-September 2020. 4 259,000 more young people have become economically inactive, an increase of 10%.

What is the current unemployment rate in the UK?

· The unemployment rate has increased to 13.1% from 12.3%. This increased to 14.8% in July-September 2020. · 192,000 more young people have become economically inactive, an increase of 8%. As at 30 June 2021, 207,400 jobs held by those aged 24 or under were on furlough, which was 6% of eligible jobs.


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