What makes intermittent exotropia worse?

What makes intermittent exotropia worse?

When no family history, illness, or condition can be identified, doctors aren’t sure what causes a strabismus like exotropia to develop. It’s not thought to be caused by watching TV, playing video games, or doing computer work. But these activities can make the eyes tired, which can cause exotropia to worsen.

What causes sudden onset strabismus?

Sometimes strabismus is due to a medical condition like thyroid problems, myasthenia gravis, or diabetes. Other times it happens due to eye or head trauma, or because an eye doesn’t see well. Often, no cause can be identified. Rarely, it is due to neurologic problems, like a tumor or aneurysm.

What is alternating esotropia?

DEFINITION: A sensorimotor anomaly of the binocular vision system in which the foveal line of sight of either eye occasionally deviates inward and fails to intersect the object of fixation.

What does exotropia look like?

The distinguishing sign of exotropia is one or either eye wandering outward. Symptoms may be mild or severe. If suppression of the deviating eye occurs, the patient can have diminished binocular vision and poor or no stereopsis. Patients may also experience diplopia (double vision) or asthenopia (eye fatigue).

What is alternating exotropia and what causes it?

The latter condition may be associated with an underlying medical condition. As the name suggests, people with an alternating exotropia have an outward eye turn that alternates both eyes. The condition can be constant or intermittent and vary in degree of severity.

What are the symptoms of intermittent exotropia?

While it is rare and will cause no to few symptoms, intermittent exotropia can occur more often or progress to becoming constant. Some may refer to congenital exotropia as infantile exotropia. This outward turning of the eyes is present since birth or during early infancy.

What are the risk factors for exotropia?

Here is a list of some diseases that could increase the likelihood of developing exotropia: Duane’s syndrome — this is a congenital strabismus syndrome, in which people with the condition could experience diplopia (double vision), anisometropia (the two eyes have different refractive errors), and amblyopia (lazy eye).

Does intermittent exotropia have a high AC/a ratio?

Several authors suggest that patients with intermittent exotropia have a high AC/A ratio. In a patient with uncorrected myopia, less than normal accommodative effort is required during near vision thus causing decreased accommodative convergence.


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