What makes the BTP unique?

What makes the BTP unique?

We protect and police 10,000 miles of track and 3,000 railway stations and depots every day. These are unique policing environments, with unique sets of needs. Our police officers and staff provide specialist policing across the country.

What equipment do special constables carry?

Equipment. Special constables all carry the same personal protective equipment (PPE) as their regular counterparts, such as handcuffs, batons, incapacitant spray (CS/PAVA spray), and protective vests. The issuing of equipment varies from force to force with financial factors being the main reason behind the differences …

Who are the BTP key partners?

BTP works in partnership with the Train Operating Companies (TOCs) and Freight Operating Companies (FOCs) and other partners to tackle metal thefts on the railway. 1.3 BTP has seven policing areas; London North, London South, London Underground, North Eastern, North Western, Wales and Western and Scotland.

What are “special or extraordinary expenses”?

The Federal Guidelines define “special or extraordinary expenses” as expenses that are: necessary because they are in the child’s best interests reasonable given the means of the parents and the child and in light of the family’s spending patterns before the separation Special or extraordinary expenses are:

What is the difference between expense vs expenditure head to head?

Expense vs. Expenditure Head to Head Differences. Now, let’s have a look at the head to head differences between Expense vs. Expenditure. Expenses are those costs that incur to earn revenues. Expenditure is the cost that is spent on the purchase or growth of fixed assets.

Why is a cost treated as an expense?

A key reason why a cost is, in practice, frequently treated exactly as an expense is that most expenditures are consumed at once, so they immediately convert from a cost to an expense.

What is the difference between expense vs expenditure in accounting?

While both the terms – Expense vs expenditure are used in accounting to refer to the costs done by the organization but both are different. Expenses are those costs which are incurred to earn revenues whereas expenditures are those costs which are incurred to purchase or increase the value of the fixed assets of the organization.


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