What was found at Lepenski Vir?

What was found at Lepenski Vir?

The Lepenski Vir site consists of one large settlement with around ten satellite villages. Numerous piscine sculptures and peculiar architectural remains have been found at the site….Sculptures.

Praroditeljka “Foremother”
Dimensions 51 cm × 39 cm (20 in × 15 in)
Location Belgrade

Who discovered Lepenski Vir?

Dragoslav Srejovic
Situated on the banks of the Danube, Lepenski Vir was discovered in the 1960s CE by a group of Serbian archaeologists led by Dragoslav Srejovic, who was an important contributor to the discovery and excavation of the site. The discovery of 136 residential and sacral buildings dating from c. 9500/7200 – c.

What is significant about Lepenski Vir?

Lepenski Vir is an important archeological site with remains of a settlement from the Mesolithic era, with the remains of over 136 houses of an early settled hunter gatherer Cro Magnion group. It is situated on the banks of Danube river near the Iron Gates gorge and the town of Donji Milanovac in eastern Serbia.

How old is lepenski VIR?

Lepenski Vir — Vir means whirlpool in Serbian — was first inhabited more than 12,000 years ago and off and on over thousands of years. Archaeologists excavated it from 1965-70, when most of the site was flooded during the building of the first of two dams on the Danube.

Where are the iron gates?

The Iron Gates (Romanian: Porțile de Fier; Serbian: Ђердапска клисура / Đerdapska klisura or Гвоздена капија / Gvozdena kapija) is a gorge on the river Danube. It forms part of the boundary between Serbia (to the south) and Romania (north).

How are tells or mounds created?

Tells are formed from a variety of remains, including organic and cultural refuse, collapsed mudbricks and other building materials, water-laid sediments, residues of biogenic and geochemical processes, and aeolian sediment.

Who built Iron Gate?

Iron Gate, or Iron Gates may refer to: Gates of Alexander, iron gates built by Alexander the Great. Iron Gates (Algeria), a pass through the Bibans mountains in Algeria. Iron Gate Pass, a gorge in central Xinjiang, People’s Republic of China.

Why is it called the iron gates?

Here, the river carved a passage through the lower Carpathian Mountains to its north and the Balkan Mountains to its south, creating a series of four steep gorges. These gorges are known as the Iron Gate.

What is a tell in Israel?

tell, also spelled tel, Arabic tall, (“hill” or “small elevation”), in Middle Eastern archaeology, a raised mound marking the site of an ancient city. Related Topics: hill.

What is tell settlement?

In archaeology, a tell or tel (borrowed into English from Arabic: تَل‎, tall, ‘mound’ or ‘small hill’), is an artificial topographical feature, a species of mound consisting of the accumulated and stratified debris of a succession of consecutive settlements at the same site, the refuse of generations of people who …


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